National Committee on Palestine BDS
The National Boycott Divestment Sanctions Committee invites you to participate with your own strength and skills for an active day of the global BDS March 30, 2010, in solidarity with the Palestinian people, for boycott, divestment and sanctions against Israel. The NBC invites those who have a conscience and their organizations around the world to mobilize in action BDS creative, concrete and visible, to make this day a historic step for the movimentro against apartheid, colonialism and occupation in Israel, for the empowerment of the oppressor and the rights and dignity of the Palestinian people.
On 30 March, calls for NBC to direct political action:
1. the boycott and divestment against Israel and those of international corporations c he supported the apartheid, colonialism and occupation in Israel
2. a legal action to end impunity Israeli investigate and judge the Israelis suspected of war crimes before domestic courts and international tribunals;
3. to promote and make a push for arms embargo against Israel and for a block or a termination of free trade and other preferential agreements in this state, a crucial and urgent step towards genuine sanctions;
4. to launch a boycott of academic, cultural and sports to the detriment of the institutions of Israel and its accomplices;
The first BD Global S Day of Action was announced by Palestinian civil society with strong support from the World Social Forum 2009. The day of the March 30 matches Land Day in Palestine, which commemorates the anniversary of the killing of six Palestinian youths - citizens of Israel - by the Israeli security forces in 1976. These guys were brave you are among the thousands of people intent on protesting against the expropriation of Palestinian land, used to build new Jewish colonies and expand existing Israeli towns. Today, Land Day symbolizes Palestinian resistance against dispossession, colonization, occupation and apartheid in Israel is still in progress.
The announcement of BDS first Global Day of Action came at the beginning of the 23-day Israeli offensive, Operation Lead time "during which killed more than 1,400 Palestinians and over 5,000 were injured in the Gaza Strip occupied and under siege. A year later, Israel continues its blockade suffocating the entire Gaza Strip, in what has been described by human rights experts as an act of "slow genocide." This is just a continuation of the brutal Israeli oppression of the Palestinian people, he sees among his previous expulsion from homes during the Nakba of 1948, the military government, the occupation of lands and colonization, apartheid and the fierce denial the rights of Palestinian refugees to return to their lands and their homes. In
BDS Day of Action 2009, including many unions, non-governmental organizations and student groups, political parties and social groups in over 40 cities around the world have responded - launched during the World Social Forum in 2009 - to take coordinated action of BDS globally. The activities last year's target, among others, companies such as Connex, a subsidiary of the multinational Veolia, an accomplice in the construction of the Israeli system of light rail connecting the Israeli settlements in the occupied West Bank to Jerusalem, the bookstore chain Chapters Indigo, the whose profits are paid into the accounts of Israeli soldiers "only" the supermarket giant Tesco, which sells an assortment of goods produced in illegal colonie; e Motorola, fornitore delle telecomunicazioni e dei sistemi elettronici delle forze di occupazione israeliane.
Da allora, la campagna globale del BDS è cresciuta. Studenti, aziende del settore privato, sindacati e altri attori della società civile di tutto il mondo hanno compreso che l'oppressione d'Israele ai danni del popolo palestinese non può più essere tollerata, e hanno concordemente adottato diverse forme di BDS contro Israele, fino a che non abbandonerà le sue politiche ostili e osserverà la legge internazionale. Nel solo 2009, sindacati, organizzazioni spirituali, gruppi studenteschi e molti altri movimenti hanno lanciato delle campagne BDS per rendere Israele responsabile delle proprie violazioni della international law and fundamental rights of Palestinians.
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Monday, March 22, 2010
Doujinshi Hellsing Seras
[Roma 20/3/2010] 200,000 in the streets to the public water
An event finally "drinking"
They will not be announced as a two hundred thousand to keep step with the "balloon" Sam agreed to John, but were many participants in the demonstration for the public water, started from Piazza della Repubblica to Piazza Navona and direct.
The parade is open from the banner "ripubblicizzare water, protect the commons' Forum marked the Italian movement for water, a body created in recent years to engage in a battle over water rights che ha assunto ormai connotati di mobilitazione internazionale.
Erano numerosi i gonfaloni dei comuni di città di tutta Italia (perlopiù comuni piccoli e medi). Erano molte ma non più moltissime le bandiere di partiti, da Sinistra ecologia e libertà, al Prc e ai verdi, dei sindacati di base e della cgil.
Il corteo si oppone al decreto Ronchi approvato lo scorso novembre. Un decreto che - su pressione delle direttive dell'Unione Europea - privatizza definitivamente la gestione del servizio idrico e dei servizi pubblici locali stabilendo che la quota in capo al pubblico debba scendere progressivamente nei prossimi cinque anni. E' proprio questo il punto, secondo i manifestanti, che va modificato perché apre the commodification of water. Other pieces - including this one of the Network of Communists - have tried to link the fight against water privatization to the overall strength of the other public services.
the truck at the head of the procession there is a blue banner that reads: "Water is a common good. Out of the water from the market! Out of the profits from the water. " In the rear of the truck a huge blue balloon from which a check valve that leaves a blue drop dangle made from a balloon.
many slogans the protesters on their back through small signs hanging from the neck with a drop of water speaker: "Deliver me from the multinationals," "water generates free today and now ristoraci yet, "Can they want to give to drink ',' I'm a water carrier," "Water is life is not good ',' Water and land common property. To rebel is right, "" Who controls the water controls the life, "" public water without ifs and Spa. "
Behind the banner of the head, there was Alex Zanotelli has reaffirmed that "If in the coming months we will be able to collect the signatures necessary to carry out the three referendum against the privatization of water and then we can also overcome them, will be the first shot that will be given to privatization, which unfortunately now seems to win all over the world. At the expense of the poor and weak as ever and if things continue so 'I think there will be 100 million deaths due to lack of water in the South. "
They will not be announced as a two hundred thousand to keep step with the "balloon" Sam agreed to John, but were many participants in the demonstration for the public water, started from Piazza della Repubblica to Piazza Navona and direct.
The parade is open from the banner "ripubblicizzare water, protect the commons' Forum marked the Italian movement for water, a body created in recent years to engage in a battle over water rights che ha assunto ormai connotati di mobilitazione internazionale.
Erano numerosi i gonfaloni dei comuni di città di tutta Italia (perlopiù comuni piccoli e medi). Erano molte ma non più moltissime le bandiere di partiti, da Sinistra ecologia e libertà, al Prc e ai verdi, dei sindacati di base e della cgil.
Il corteo si oppone al decreto Ronchi approvato lo scorso novembre. Un decreto che - su pressione delle direttive dell'Unione Europea - privatizza definitivamente la gestione del servizio idrico e dei servizi pubblici locali stabilendo che la quota in capo al pubblico debba scendere progressivamente nei prossimi cinque anni. E' proprio questo il punto, secondo i manifestanti, che va modificato perché apre the commodification of water. Other pieces - including this one of the Network of Communists - have tried to link the fight against water privatization to the overall strength of the other public services.
the truck at the head of the procession there is a blue banner that reads: "Water is a common good. Out of the water from the market! Out of the profits from the water. " In the rear of the truck a huge blue balloon from which a check valve that leaves a blue drop dangle made from a balloon.
many slogans the protesters on their back through small signs hanging from the neck with a drop of water speaker: "Deliver me from the multinationals," "water generates free today and now ristoraci yet, "Can they want to give to drink ',' I'm a water carrier," "Water is life is not good ',' Water and land common property. To rebel is right, "" Who controls the water controls the life, "" public water without ifs and Spa. "
Behind the banner of the head, there was Alex Zanotelli has reaffirmed that "If in the coming months we will be able to collect the signatures necessary to carry out the three referendum against the privatization of water and then we can also overcome them, will be the first shot that will be given to privatization, which unfortunately now seems to win all over the world. At the expense of the poor and weak as ever and if things continue so 'I think there will be 100 million deaths due to lack of water in the South. "
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[Torino 20/3/2010] Purple People and No Tav in square
From infoaut
success of the event and purple people notav
From infoaut
success of the event and purple people notav
The event "NO TAV NO MAFIA, NO COMPLAINT" organized by the people and the resistance violet, which bind the NO TAV movement, the coordination of the Community Civic Lists Montana Valli di Susa and Sangone, The Red Diaries, Antitavaction, Radio Blackout Movement 5 Stars Piemonte, saw the participation of many thousands of people who came from Turin and belt, Susa and Sangone also came groups violates the Veneto, Brescia, Genoa, La Spezia, from Pavia, and all wore something purple and the flag No Tav
For over two hours of the event, joyful and communicative as ever, has traveled the center Turin reminding citizens around the shops that "the TAV and costs is paid by reducing basic services: health, education, research, commuter trains and defense and securing the territory", that "the Mafia exists and has now occupied the vital centers of the state and allying with infiltrating and political parties ", that" the real mafia no longer bear the cap but the double-breasted and have studied in the best universities in the world ", that" the TAB does not bring development and not grow the economy, otherwise, since they have just opened a thousand kilometers of TAV in Italy should not be in crisis but we should be swimming in gold.
The demonstration ended in Piazza San Carlo, which was occupied for half a riot of purple and red and white flags with the train crossed. They were beautiful, too interventions: in addition to the organizers and the No TAV, even those from the house of law, and that Alberto Puliafito recounted his experience as a filmmaker that of Aquila and Civic Lists of Susa and Sangone. An ovation welcomed the words of greeting and gratitude for the solidarity that received Marinella at the event, addressed to all in the drawing room of Turin.
For over two hours of the event, joyful and communicative as ever, has traveled the center Turin reminding citizens around the shops that "the TAV and costs is paid by reducing basic services: health, education, research, commuter trains and defense and securing the territory", that "the Mafia exists and has now occupied the vital centers of the state and allying with infiltrating and political parties ", that" the real mafia no longer bear the cap but the double-breasted and have studied in the best universities in the world ", that" the TAB does not bring development and not grow the economy, otherwise, since they have just opened a thousand kilometers of TAV in Italy should not be in crisis but we should be swimming in gold.
The demonstration ended in Piazza San Carlo, which was occupied for half a riot of purple and red and white flags with the train crossed. They were beautiful, too interventions: in addition to the organizers and the No TAV, even those from the house of law, and that Alberto Puliafito recounted his experience as a filmmaker that of Aquila and Civic Lists of Susa and Sangone. An ovation welcomed the words of greeting and gratitude for the solidarity that received Marinella at the event, addressed to all in the drawing room of Turin.
Southpark Masterbation Episode
[Livorno 03/20/2010] 1500 in square regasification
March 20, 2010 at 16 apart from the demonstration against the LNG terminal project OLT, the event starts at Civic Square in front of City Hall, runs through the center citizen before returning to Civic Square. On the way there were 2,000 people, marched against this wicked project. a bet has been that of the committee, which barely had planned for over a month. Civic Square in the turn of the members come from Viareggio Assembly June 29, 2009 and Valley Susa a committee representing the No TAV, as well as Maurizio Zicanu No representative of the Committee also spoke Giannì responsible offshore sea of \u200b\u200bGreenpeace, the present happens to be looking as well as many other personalities from politics Livornese, a minority that has always been present and always in opposition common.
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Leviton Pr180 Wiring Diagram
against Bologna. Blocked two evictions executive
Today BolognaPrendeCasa ASIA-RDB is managed through the determination of the tenants
resistant to block two evictions, obtaining
two postponements.
Tenants resistant when they organize, when they fight
show that you can not pay for the crisis. Tuttavia non possiamo non ricordare le
altre centinaia di sfratti che in questi giorni stanno avvenendo nel
completo silenzio. Quando gli inquilini si organizzano c’è una possibilità
di resistere, in mancanza di questo gli sfratti vengono fatti
Occorre ora rilanciare una mobilitazione che dia forza alle proposte del
movimento di lotta per la casa:
-Soluzioni d’emergenza per chi subisce uno sfratto esecutivo
-Blocco degli sfratti
-Requisizione delle case sfitte private da parte dell’amministrazione,
applicando le leggi già esistenti
-Tutela di chi non riesce più a pagare le rate del mutuo prima casa,
attraverso l’acquisto by ACER
-Funding for the growing number of public housing and an expansion of the welfare state
on these proposals urgently invite those who govern the city and the region to confront
times today's politicians can not be just those of scandals,
but must be dictated by actual conditions causing the economic crisis
across our region. Why the public interest is better for us
private interest.
Monterumici 36/10 Via Bologna
Tell: 051 389 524 051 310 346 cell: 3887441894
Today BolognaPrendeCasa ASIA-RDB is managed through the determination of the tenants
resistant to block two evictions, obtaining
two postponements.
Tenants resistant when they organize, when they fight
show that you can not pay for the crisis. Tuttavia non possiamo non ricordare le
altre centinaia di sfratti che in questi giorni stanno avvenendo nel
completo silenzio. Quando gli inquilini si organizzano c’è una possibilità
di resistere, in mancanza di questo gli sfratti vengono fatti
Occorre ora rilanciare una mobilitazione che dia forza alle proposte del
movimento di lotta per la casa:
-Soluzioni d’emergenza per chi subisce uno sfratto esecutivo
-Blocco degli sfratti
-Requisizione delle case sfitte private da parte dell’amministrazione,
applicando le leggi già esistenti
-Tutela di chi non riesce più a pagare le rate del mutuo prima casa,
attraverso l’acquisto by ACER
-Funding for the growing number of public housing and an expansion of the welfare state
on these proposals urgently invite those who govern the city and the region to confront
times today's politicians can not be just those of scandals,
but must be dictated by actual conditions causing the economic crisis
across our region. Why the public interest is better for us
private interest.
Monterumici 36/10 Via Bologna
Tell: 051 389 524 051 310 346 cell: 3887441894
How To Cut My Snowmobile Windshield
[Palestine 16/3/2010] Even Today clashes with Israeli troops in Jerusalem, is the "day of rage" Palestinian
Palestine. Even today clashes with Israeli troops in Jerusalem, is the "day of rage" Palestinian
Violent clashes are underway between hundreds of young Palestinians and Israeli security forces in many neighborhoods of East Jerusalem: the reported witnesses. The Palestinian Islamic movement Hamas has declared today for the "Day of Anger" in response to the inauguration of the Hurva Synagogue in the Old City. Writes the Israeli daily Haaretz that 3,000 extra police and soldiers were deployed in Jerusalem and at border posts with the West Bank. Hamas proclaimed a "day of anger" in response to the inauguration of the Hurva Synagogue in the Old City. Yesterday's protests were limited to stone throwing near the Mount of Olives. Today, for the fifth consecutive day, was denied access to Muslim worshipers on the Temple Mount. The request from the United States on Israel to abandon its plan of colonial development in East Jerusalem is "unreasonable" said today the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Avigdor Lieberman. The request of the Western community, "it is unreasonable for us," said the chief diplomat of Israel on local radio. Yesterday, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu reiterated that the construction of new settlements in East Jerusalem will continue.
Palestine. Even today clashes with Israeli troops in Jerusalem, is the "day of rage" Palestinian
Violent clashes are underway between hundreds of young Palestinians and Israeli security forces in many neighborhoods of East Jerusalem: the reported witnesses. The Palestinian Islamic movement Hamas has declared today for the "Day of Anger" in response to the inauguration of the Hurva Synagogue in the Old City. Writes the Israeli daily Haaretz that 3,000 extra police and soldiers were deployed in Jerusalem and at border posts with the West Bank. Hamas proclaimed a "day of anger" in response to the inauguration of the Hurva Synagogue in the Old City. Yesterday's protests were limited to stone throwing near the Mount of Olives. Today, for the fifth consecutive day, was denied access to Muslim worshipers on the Temple Mount. The request from the United States on Israel to abandon its plan of colonial development in East Jerusalem is "unreasonable" said today the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Avigdor Lieberman. The request of the Western community, "it is unreasonable for us," said the chief diplomat of Israel on local radio. Yesterday, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu reiterated that the construction of new settlements in East Jerusalem will continue.
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Toronto Inmate Search
March 16 2003 to 2010
Some comrades have left the pub with three neo-fascists clash Tipota
armed with knives that strike them repeated, seriously wounding two
. One will be an emergency operation and David "Dax" will not live in
hospital. On the site instead arise numerous patrols of police and carabinieri
, blocking the road, helping to
delaying relief efforts. Shortly after departure ambulance arrives
a swift department with helmets and batons, quickly rejected by the cries of outraged
present ... a warning ...
Hospital St. Paul, already militarized by the police, doctors
communicate the death of Dax. Despair, disbelief, anger ....
Comrades and friends respond to these provocations and
Carabinieri police, which give off a fierce charge at once inside and outside the hospital
. A manhunt style Genoa 2001, the same
brutality that we saw in action in Val di Susa
only a few weeks ago.
"They wanted to take away the corpse of his friend" So the day after the Quaestor
Boncoraglio legitimate the actions of the police, whose budget for
beatings against those who were present is
dozens of stitches on his face, teeth and broken arms, heads, open faces s figures and blood
on the "facts of St. Paul" then you will get a job with defendants
a policeman and two policemen accused of improper port weapon
and abuse of office, and four companions at the bar for strength and violence in public
Journal . This process ended in the Supreme Court in 2009 with a side
full acquittal of the police and other
the conviction of two partners with a total 3 years and 4 months in prison
more than 100,000 euro fine.
The state is acquitted, the judiciary has legitimized and sanctioned
the work of its servants in uniform.
No wonder, no complaints. The same thing happened to the processes
G8 Genoa.
No wonder, no complaints but anger, hatred and determination to continue fighting
, remember and tell.
a history that continues because fascists and police continue to kill,
in prisons, in the streets. Continue with the name of Renato Biagetti, Ivan
Khutorskoy, Carlos Palomino, Nicola Tommasoli, Stefano Cucchi, Jan Kucera, Alexis
Grigoropoulos, Federico Aldrovandi, Carlo Giuliani, and many others.
A list that does not want to see each stretch, a history of blood that must be stopped
building solidarity, resistance, struggle against fascism and anti
"To combat this new fascism are not your grandparents, your grandparents or fathers
.'ll Have to deal with you"
Some comrades have left the pub with three neo-fascists clash Tipota
armed with knives that strike them repeated, seriously wounding two
. One will be an emergency operation and David "Dax" will not live in
hospital. On the site instead arise numerous patrols of police and carabinieri
, blocking the road, helping to
delaying relief efforts. Shortly after departure ambulance arrives
a swift department with helmets and batons, quickly rejected by the cries of outraged
present ... a warning ...
Hospital St. Paul, already militarized by the police, doctors
communicate the death of Dax. Despair, disbelief, anger ....
Comrades and friends respond to these provocations and
Carabinieri police, which give off a fierce charge at once inside and outside the hospital
. A manhunt style Genoa 2001, the same
brutality that we saw in action in Val di Susa
only a few weeks ago.
"They wanted to take away the corpse of his friend" So the day after the Quaestor
Boncoraglio legitimate the actions of the police, whose budget for
beatings against those who were present is
dozens of stitches on his face, teeth and broken arms, heads, open faces s figures and blood
on the "facts of St. Paul" then you will get a job with defendants
a policeman and two policemen accused of improper port weapon
and abuse of office, and four companions at the bar for strength and violence in public
Journal . This process ended in the Supreme Court in 2009 with a side
full acquittal of the police and other
the conviction of two partners with a total 3 years and 4 months in prison
more than 100,000 euro fine.
The state is acquitted, the judiciary has legitimized and sanctioned
the work of its servants in uniform.
No wonder, no complaints. The same thing happened to the processes
G8 Genoa.
No wonder, no complaints but anger, hatred and determination to continue fighting
, remember and tell.
a history that continues because fascists and police continue to kill,
in prisons, in the streets. Continue with the name of Renato Biagetti, Ivan
Khutorskoy, Carlos Palomino, Nicola Tommasoli, Stefano Cucchi, Jan Kucera, Alexis
Grigoropoulos, Federico Aldrovandi, Carlo Giuliani, and many others.
A list that does not want to see each stretch, a history of blood that must be stopped
building solidarity, resistance, struggle against fascism and anti
"To combat this new fascism are not your grandparents, your grandparents or fathers
.'ll Have to deal with you"
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