Monday, May 31, 2010

Jenna Jameson & Jewel De'nyle

BOLOGNA: demonstration against the Israeli assault ships to Gaza humanitarian

against Israeli aggression to Freedom Flottille and in conjunction with events taking place in more than 20 Italian cities, including Bologna have spontaneously gathered in Piazza Nettuno at 17 almost a thousand people from various social and political realities of the city in solidarity with Palestine.
A spontaneous parade, which started from Piazza Nettuno, moved inland to Piazza Ugo Bassi Prefecture from which he returned to the Piazza Nettuno. It was reported the unprecedented Israeli military attack in which 19 international activists have been murdered by Freedom Flottille boats to Gaza to bring humanitarian aid to 700 was expressed solidarity activists attacked and int ernazionali with the Palestinian resistance, was asked a serious intervention of international condemnation of Israel, there was an appointment tomorrow at 19.00 on June 1 at the Festival of the social culture in anti-fascist street and town Togliatti for an assembly on June 2 at 10 Piazza Maggiore.

The Israeli terrorist attack in international waters should now leave aside all the hypocrisy of those who have always defended and supported the policy of occupation, destruction, massacres, aparthei
de discrimination put in place by Israel for over sixty years. It is clear, moreover, aggression and arrogance of a country which has always acted in the awareness level of impunity internazionale. Ultime dimostrazioni, giunte alla ribalta dei media, di tale arroganza vanno dal noto massacro di Gaza, allo sgombero dei palestinesi dalle loro case in Gerusalemme est, fino al recente rifiuto della firma dell’accordo di non proliferazione nucleare.

L’assassinio degli internazionali pesa sulla coscienza di Israele ma anche di tutti gli Stati che hanno a
vallato in silenzio, non solo il massacro di Gaza, ma anche il completo isolamento della Striscia di Gaza in cui le condizioni di sopravvivenza umiliano pesantemente la dignità umana. L’isolamento sta portando addirittura all’avvio della costruzione del Muro di acciaio sul confine tra la Striscia di Gaza e l’Egitto finanziato dagli Stati United physically isolate this strip of land for years called open prison.

international and Italian politicians have distanced themselves from the attack but now we expect the expressions
follow verbal condemnation of international sanctions against Israel, we ask that Italy is CCIA pressure for activation of these sanctions and stop all cooperation with Israel. We ask that companies and public institutions, from Emilia Romagna, academic institutions, research collaborations interrupt trade, scientific and cultural relations with Israel and calls for a boycott of all Israeli products in solidarity with the Freedom Flottille and the Palestinian resistance.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Use Bluetooth Headset To Watch Movies On Ps3

BOLOGNA: tensions eviction of yet another family

We completed the garrison-ASIA via USB Calindri, San Donato district. From 7.00 this morning a group of tenants resistant sought to block yet another eviction. To carry out the eviction, against a household of four people, dozens of agents were used between police, furnitures, Digos and municipal police. All morning the whole street was blocked.
After all the propaganda of the so-called "block evictions" signed by CGIL, CISL and UIL trade associations, we are at the starting point: evictions continues as the rent and speculation.
families, the popular sectors who suffer from social insecurity are invested immediately place the emergency housing, and this figure is likely to increase in the current phase of economic crisis.
We have a social welfare system to collapse, for admission of the same people who work in recent weeks the council house MARACINO Dodi was filled with people who were forced to live in the car for their unemployed status, body-integrated , mobile or temporary, as social workers did not give him any workable solution. We requested that a negotiation process to make the regular public housing MARACINO Dodi, so as we need to start a confrontation at a regional level so that you put in the yard an effective plan to tackle the housing crisis house and that this is no longer seen as a problem of public order.
E 'now for some time that we pointed out that social workers can not afford the problem of emergency housing in our area, which is not only more rigurda the housing problem, but involves different emergencies related to social vulnerability. E 'for this reason that the anti-Pichette eviction will go ahead as well as the requisition of vacant private homes. Today a new family will live in public housing Maracino Dodi, their resistance this morning was not useless.

block evictions
requisition of private homes vacant
protection of the insolvent mortgage first home

income housing and speculators and Assigns
Tenants Association (ASIA-USB) Bologna it

Friday, May 14, 2010

What Are The Stages Of Lichen Planus


The reasons of the tenants in the region resistant
It ended the demonstration by RdB and AS.IA, which began with the caravan of cars, buses, motorcycles and bicycles and merged into protest outside the region to seek jobs, housing and rights.
Asia on a regional level has relaunched its platform: crash evictions, requisition of vacant houses, increased housing and safeguards for tenants with the first home mortgage. We decided today to make our voice heard and reasons in the region, place the administrative and policy that can and should intervene as soon as possible from the housing emergency, one of the most dramatic dynamics of the escalating insecurity that is affecting our social area. No longer content with the words, we need action. To date, the housing crisis was treated as a problem of public order (for eviction and the requisitions popular holiday) this has not prevented the development of a movement of milk for the house, even in our region. Relaunch then the mobilization through the pickets and the anti-eviction defense housing requirements by tenants in housing crisis.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Everything I Need To Know About Lymphedema

international campaign against the war on Indian people

In India started the Green Hunt operation. A deadly military attack of the Indian government against its people, Adivasi and peasant Maoist Naxalites have indeed united to defend their land from development projects of multinational corporations. the government's response was the massacre of his people, the theft of land and censorship at home and abroad. then started an international campaign of solidarity with of the Indian people, attended by well-known intellectuals, journalists, artists and political organizations in India and abroad.;

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Large Flatbed Scanning Service

BOLGONA: solidarity cones Greek workers

Saturday, May 7, held a sit in front of the greek consulate in many cities including Bologna, in solidarity with the Greek workers hit hard by restrictive measures taken by the government austerity pact Papandreou. Here's the video

Friday, May 7, 2010

What Ares Some Stuff U Can Use Fro Masterbation


International financial institutions - the same as funds have flooded the world with leading garbage the worst economic crisis ever known, that have been saved from bankruptcy with the generous help of Western governments at the expense of taxpayers - have led to the collapse of Greece.
now will pay the usual usual: public sector workers which benefits are cut and removed 13 and 14 ^ ^, which are frozen at retirement pensions, private employees who are seen off 15% of their wages and then increase of ' retirement age to 67 years, privatization of public services, tax increases, hiring freezes, liberalization of the labor market and job insecurity and layoffs dramatically.
Greece will return a total of 110 billion euro, of which the weight will fall on the shoulders of workers and working class, and already the speculation has targeted Portugal, Spain, Ireland and Italy the same is not doing too well ..
against the measures taken by the government 'socialist' in recent weeks took to the streets and millions of workers went on strike, another two-day strike, 4 and 5 May, is already crippling the country.
We support the resistance of workers, youth, retired Greek that an economic system based on speculation and profit taking off the future Type rest of the post here

Monday, May 3, 2010

What's Different In South Park Uncensored

Greece: May 1 to the streets and clashes

Greece: 1 May to the streets and clashes. On 5 May general strike against the IMF-EU social massacre weblog
Marco Santopadre *

May Day to the streets to Greek workers took to the streets in tens of thousands, for the umpteenth time, against the government and the cuts imposed from Brussels. Approximately 50 000 people demonstrated in Athens, resulting in three different parades that have joined in Syntagma Square, opposite the Houses of Parliament. The largest parade in the morning he left the Polytechnic behind the white banner "The crisis pay the banks." In the square, side by side with the anarchists from the neighborhood protenienti of Exarchia, mothers with prams, workers, port, the Bangladeshi community in Athens, the Iranian Communist Workers' Party and the anti-racist.
Participation in the event was well above expectations. "We never went to the streets in our lives - to tell a news agency and Omonia Mikis Mikaloupolos Virginia, fresh married 28 years - but now we have reached a limit beyond which we can not go and we're here." He is a computer teacher in high school by the end of March and his salary has dropped by 15%, from 1,200 to 1,030 €. "It is not over - he adds - If Parliament approves the plan, Papandreou, from May take 850 euro. "What to do? Virginia, in a study of a dental assistant is discouraged:" So of course you can not go forward. Never thought I'd get to this point, but some weeks we are really thinking of trying to emigrate. "

Another march, the first to come before Parliament, was driven by retirees, women and workers called in the piazza by Pame, the union of the Communist Party.''enough, it's time for a large popular front''he said after today's demonstration, the secretary of the Communist Party of Greece (KKE) Aleka Papariga, speaking to reporters in front Parliament said that the billions the EU and the IMF''does not mean anything for greek people, which will continue to be exploited by capital.'' E'''came forward to say enough is enough! added-we no longer 'wait, we must be a great People's Front of Workers and farmers to achieve a radical reversal''of the''rotten''greek political system.

''In autumn there will be social explosion,''said Liana Kanelli Instead, members of the greek communist party (KKE). ''What you see here today is just the beginning''says Kanelli, charismatic figure of the KKE and member of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the party. ''In four or five months, in autumn, there will be an explosion because social workers and pensioners can not stand una riduzione del 30% dei loro redditi in un paese già ben al di sotto della media europea''. Kanelli dice che ''il debito é l'unica ricchezza del popolo greco'' e aggiunge che il Kke non vuole rinunciare all'Europa, ma invoca ''un' Europa dei popoli e non del capitale''. Il Kke, insieme agli altri gruppi della sinistra riuniti nella coalizione Syriza, si oppone al ricorso agli aiuti dell'Europa e del Fmi. ''Possiamo farcela da soli tassando il grande capitale, riducendo le spese a cominciare da quelle militari, costringendo l'Europa a pagare per il controllo delle frontiere e facendo sacrifici'' dice Kanelli assicurando che la un numero sempre maggiore dei Greci comincia a pensarla cosi'.
Rabbia e paura sono i sentimenti predominanti tra i Greci oltre la metà dei quali sono pronti a scendere in piazza a protestare se saranno approvate i nuovi tagli che si aggiungono a quelli già imposti dai socialisti al governo nei mesi scorsi. Lo rivelano sondaggi pubblicati nelle ultime ore, secondo i quali solo il 50,6% dei cittadini riconosce che il sostegno internazionale é necessario per superare la crisi. Un'inchiesta pubblicata dal settimanale Proto Thema rivela che oltre il 51% dei cittadini é pronto a scendere in piazza il prossimo 5 maggio in occasione dello sciopero generale proclamato sia nel settore pubblico sia in quello privato, se il governo approverà, come scontato, le nuove misure che ridurranno del 30% il potere di acquisto dei lavoratori e ancor di più quello pensioners. According to another survey released by the socialist newspaper To Vima, 61.8% of Greeks have felt anger for the intervention of the IMF, or fear of a severe economic downturn as a result of the measures provided against the financial crisis: wage cuts, both in public and private sectors, taxes, government jobs and freezing the pension reform. 70.5% is opposed to cuts in the private sector. The majority of Greeks, according to the survey of Proto Thema, Papandreou wants to agree to form a national unity government with other parties, all opposed the intervention of the IMF, for the good of the country.
newspapers, about the events, talking to small groups of 'anarchists' that would have hired the usual, ritual clashes with the police. But looking at the images broadcast by the media on the day today and the events of Thursday and Friday you can see very well that to participate in the fighting are not only young hoods and prepared, participating in the anarchic, but also young workers and face uncovered .

Today at 12:00, when the bulk of the three marches had already reached their final destination, a group of protesters launched a pair of powerful firecrackers against the Ministry of Finance, which stands on one side of Syntagma Square and the Police in riot gear charged them exploding tear gas canisters. A few minutes after they began an anti-capitalist busy throwing stones and other objects at police and a van Ert's state television. Another of van Ert was attacked and burned down an hour earlier outside the headquarters of the old University, Viale Vanizelos. At that point you started a confrontation that continued for about an hour, with hundreds of protesters, armed with big sticks, they first threw some incendiary bombs against the strings placed in defense of the Ministry, and then they have even loaded. Stay away from Syntagma Square from the charges of anti-riot units, demonstrators continued to throw stones and firecrackers along Venizelos Avenue, trying to lock up the cops putting across bins on fire, benches, telephone booths uprooted, torn panels at bus stops. Even the steps of the Church of St. Denis were taken to obtain a hammer to throw stones at the police.
Clashes occurred simultaneously outside the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, also in the capital of Greece. Here too, a large group of protesters bearing red flags attacked a police post to protect the department. Meanwhile, anti-capitalist groups took a hammer to the armored windows of the Hotel Grande Bretagne, the demonstrators held the seat of the "shadow government of the plutocrats" because it houses the troika of EU, IMF and ECB with which the Government must sign a plan for cuts draconian leaving intact the privileges of the propertied classes.

Even today, as well as a few days ago, clashes have occurred, however, to the edge and as a complement to large popular demonstrations that now run through Athens and the Hellenic major cities almost daily since last fall: according to some sources, there would be some prisoners. The 5th of May all the unions have called a general strike to block the country. But analysts say it is very difficult that the square can convince Papandreou to back down. The prime minister continues to stress that there is no alternative to his plan: "It is at stake the very survival as a nation of Greece, in negotiations that Athens is pursuing with the EU and IMF aid you requested. The survival of the nation is our red line. "
The conditions imposed by the IMF and the EU to provide aid - 120 billion in three years, nine within the next May 19 in order not to end the country into default - are very hard. Aid granted in installments only after the monthly checks on the implementation of the plan will be confirmed by inspectors from the EU-IMF, will be granted in exchange for a plan for a massive cut in the deficit equal to 10% in 2010-2011 to all expense of the working class. A plan that attacks the blood and tears, especially wages, hiring freezes and introduces more flexibility as the abolition of the contract the use of arbitration for layoffs in the private sector. In addition, the retirement age will reach age 67. These measures are to € 24 billion which include an increase in VAT from 21 to 23% (this is the second increase this year), the abolition of 13th and 14th for public use, the closure of about 800 unnecessary public defined (with corresponding dismissals), privatization, the sale of state enterprises and property. A social massacre which will hit like an ax already tried the greek people. But that does not satisfy the appetites of the governments and powers that the skin of the Greeks are trying to take advantage of the economic crisis to reshape international relations power in favor of the capital of the Central Powers and the European Union. Today, German Chancellor Angela Merkel, in an interview with the weekly Bild am Sonntag, has returned to warn EU partners that from now on those who break the fiscal rules will lose the right to vote in the euro area, in the name of greater stability of the single currency. "In the end, in the future will be possible to remove the right to vote, at least temporarily, to those nations that do not meet their commitments - said Merkel in a new explicit threat against Athens, but also of other countries to which it could fall ax consolidation: Spain, Portugal, Ireland and Italy ....
* Director

Radio Citta 'Aperta