Nelle prossime settimane la costa Atlantica dell'Honduras tornerà protagonista del reality show "L'Isola dei famosi". Tra i concorrenti quest'anno c'è also Astaldi.La second Italian construction company, in fact, has just signed with the Government of the Central OUNTRY P a contract to begin work on the tourist mega-project "Los Micos Beach & resort center" along the Caribbean coast of Bahia de Tela.Un project strongly opposed by local people, the Garifuna people, which will have a devastating impact on the territory, both in the environmental, social and economico.Secondo Astaldi, we spoke by phone, the tourist project will bring "development, wealth and employment "in the region. The company has also invited us, henceforth, to address our concerns and complaints directly to the customer (the Government Honduras), leaving in peace Astaldi. For this reason, we ask you to help make you feel Astaldi its complicity with a project that is economically, socially and environmentally insostenibile.Inviate letter to Alessandra Onorati, Head of Communications and Investor Relations Astaldi a.onorati @ astaldi.com and Mario Iván Casco, Columbus Astaldi in Honduras, secretaria@astaldi.hn , putting a copy honduras@puchica.org
For more information and to download the text of the letter click here .
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