Saturday, July 12, 2008

Used Tsl Super Boggers

Good Government
Order and cleanliness in the chaos of laws
While the opposition focuses on gossip and vulgar expressions, the ministers Italian government are busy working hard and with amazing results.
The simplification and reorganization of the laws are very important to have procedures clearer and slender. Calderoli is doing a great job.

While the opposition thinks only to destroy and abuse, the Berlusconi government is working to build a better Italy. Well, on this way!

The news: "In two months already cut 7 thousand more "
Milan - A shot net. Zac. The simplification was set in motion. It has no intention of stopping. "In these first two months of work we have already obtained a first important result: using the" cut-and-laws ", contained in the Ordinance related to the economic measure, we have cut more than 30% of the existing laws, removing about 7 thousand among those considered obsolete, unnecessary or already implicitly repealed " spiega il ministro per la Semplificazione normativa, Roberto Calderoli.
Clicca qui per leggere tutto l'articolo de " il Giornale "

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Is Anbesol Safe For Pregnant Women

Il governo del FARE
E' legge il decreto sull'emergenza rifiuti
Mentre l'opposizione organizza manifestazioni basate sul turpiloquio e sulla volgarità, il governo Berlusconi lavora e risolve i problemi lasciati irrisolti da Prodi & co.

" E' legge il decreto sull'emergenza rifiuti
Via libera definitiva del Senato con 166 sì, 14 no e 103 astenuti
ROME - final green to the decree on the waste in Campania. The Senate approved it with 166 yes, 14 no and 103 abstentions. The opposition, as the House, it was divided into three: the UDC has voted for the Democratic Party abstained and Italy of Values \u200b\u200bexpressed itself against it. Now the measure is law. "
Click here to read the article in the Corriere della Sera


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policy of peasants
The event organized by a Peter Grillo and , which was attended Sabina Guzzanti also , Furio Colombo, Andrea Camilleri and Marco Travaglio and became the festival of vulgarity. Fortunately these people is not the Government and is limited to bray in the street.

" ROME - insults, vulgarity and controversy. In Piazza Navona, the event" No Cav "ends up in foul language. Ignites the crowd to Beppe Grillo and Sabina Guzzanti, but their invective also rise to 360 degrees dust of controversy and the "disassociation" from offenses that target Silvio Berlusconi, the minister Mara Carfagna, Walter Veltroni, Giorgio Napolitano, and even the Pope ... "

Click here to read the whole article in the Corriere della Sera .