Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Is Anbesol Safe For Pregnant Women

Il governo del FARE
E' legge il decreto sull'emergenza rifiuti
Mentre l'opposizione organizza manifestazioni basate sul turpiloquio e sulla volgarità, il governo Berlusconi lavora e risolve i problemi lasciati irrisolti da Prodi & co.

" E' legge il decreto sull'emergenza rifiuti
Via libera definitiva del Senato con 166 sì, 14 no e 103 astenuti
ROME - final green to the decree on the waste in Campania. The Senate approved it with 166 yes, 14 no and 103 abstentions. The opposition, as the House, it was divided into three: the UDC has voted for the Democratic Party abstained and Italy of Values \u200b\u200bexpressed itself against it. Now the measure is law. "
Click here to read the article in the Corriere della Sera



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