Monday, October 20, 2008
Stomach Flu In Family Prevention And Immunity
The Ugandan newspaper "The Monitor" over the weekend reported that work on the construction of the transmission line from Bujagali to the dam, power plant Mutundwe were stopped because of protests from the local population. The debate came on a crucial point related to the development of the project: the compensation.
According to the residents of Wakiso and Mukuna the compensation currently paid for the expropriation of land crossed by the transmission line are substantially inadequate, not allowing resettlement in other parts of the country. Yet, sostengono ancora i residenti, il governo di Kampala aveva fatto bel altre promesse.
Uganda: la diga di Bujagali fa discutere
articolo di Luca Manes pubblicato da Nigrizia Online
Il progetto della diga di Bujagali si trascina da anni, tra difficoltà, incertezze e retroscena non troppo limpidi. L’opera, se mai vedrà la luce, implica un devastante impatto socio-ambientale, denunciano gli ambientalisti di tutto il mondo.
L’epopea di Bujagali inizia nei primi mesi del nuovo millennio, allorché il governo ugandese e la Banca mondiale si siedono ad un tavolo per parlare della possibile “nascita” della diga. Ma che sia un progetto nato male si capisce presto. Il primo consorzio costruttore svanisce come neve al sole, spuntano indiscrezioni su un caso di corruzione, anche la Banca mondiale ci ripensa e si chiama fuori. Questione chiusa? Assolutamente no.
Negli ultimi due anni l’esecutivo di Kampala riparte alla carica, redige un nuovo progetto (dal costo complessivo di 500 milioni di dollari, un terzo più del precedente) e trova altre compagnie (guidate dal gruppo keniano IPS) interessate alla realizzazione della diga. Anzi, a dir il vero fa anche di più. E sì, perché a giorni la Banca Europea per gli Investimenti (BEI), per intenderci la banca che gestisce i fondi dell’Unione europea destinati allo sviluppo, potrebbe staccare un corposo assegno di 100 milioni di dollari per finanziare Bujagali. Scontato, allora, il possibile ritorno di fiamma della Banca mondiale.
Intanto a Kampala gli ambientalisti se la vedono brutta. In una iniziativa tenutasi a metà aprile per le strade della capitale ugandese, tre persone hanno perso la vita e alcuni leader delle Ong locali sono stati imprigionati, inizialmente con l’accusa infamante di omicidio poi “corretta” in partecipazione a manifestazione non autorizzata - sebbene i permessi fossero stati invece concessi. La protesta era contro un’altra opera a dir poco controversa, quella che vedrà la distruzione della ricchissima foresta di Mabira (30.000 ettari di estensione) per far spazio ad un’enorme piantagione di canna sugar. It must be said that the arrested activists have for years been among the main opponents of the mega project of Bujagali.
But because this dam is so opposed by local communities? The reasons are many.
Bujagali should stand in the Nile a few miles to the north (ie, downstream) of Lake Victoria from which it originated, in a site of spectacular waterfalls. The intention of the government of Uganda should be one of six dams on the stretch of the White Nile, 16 km downstream of the dam of the existing Owen. The consequences from the environmental point of view would be enormous: the waterfalls disappear and Lake Victoria, already in a state of perpetual dry, yet receive less water.
The dam will flood farmland and 820 will force people to move permanently, and 6,000 from other lands to find work. There is no compensation for those who lose their jobs in tourism. It's worth mentioning, in fact, that the Bujagali Falls recall rafting enthusiasts each year 6000 (and the Uganda Tourism is the second entrance).
Doubts also affect the economic feasibility of the project. The contract to purchase energy produced from Bujagali has not yet been announced, but according to the National Association of Professional Environmentalits (NAPE) is a risk that rates will be prohibitive under the Agreement for the local population - only 5% of Ugandans is connected to the national grid. The same complaint as NAPE, investing in the dam, the government has left out cheaper sources of energy and renewable energy, like geothermal, which could help provide electricity to more affordable costs. As mentioned in the short
the EIB will have to decide on funding for Bujagali. Besides taking into account the treatment of opponents of the project, the board of the institution you will need to remember the many potential negative impacts of the work. One hundred million euro may be invested in a much more effective, or not?
Friday, October 17, 2008
Boat Horn For My Truck
In the midst of the worst financial crisis ever recorded since 1929, there a market sector that continues to flourish as if nothing was happening. Public institutions like the European Investment Bank and World Bank are still able to get credit at very low rates, through the sale of bonds. This week, the EIB raised $ 4 billion a unteresse 2.6%, one of the lowest rates on record and 40 points lower than the average rate of exchange that is a benchmark for the cost of borrowing in Europe. In the same week the World Bank issued five-year bonds worth a billion and half dollars at a rate of 3.5%.
had the same luck KfW, the German development bank, and OKB Austrian export credit agency.
In sintesi il settore pubblico è divenuto uno dei pochi beneficiari del crack finanziario globale.
La capacità di raccogliere liquidità ad un tasso tradizionalmente basso è particolarmente significativa in un momento in cui i prestiti interbancari sono virtualmente congelati. Governi e istituzioni che hanno ricevuto prestiti dalla BEI e dalla Banca Mondiale beneficiano indirettamente dei tassi vantaggiosi con i quali le istituzioni raccolgono capitali sul mercato.
Tratto dall'articolo "Public sector is surprise winner" di David Oakley
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Foods That Boost Progesterone
Il 3 Giugno 2008, cinquanta attivisti provenienti da tutta Europa si sono dati appuntamento in Luxembourg to ask the European Investment Bank to change course, to invest in the South in serious development projects that promote wealth at the local level, to stay out of nuclear energy and to discontinue support for mining projects fossil fuels. The action took place on the occasion of the fiftieth anniversary of the institution in several European locations in the city: the seat in front of the Meeting of Ministers of Finance, in front of the offices of the Bank and in the place d'armes (Luxembourg downtown). Diplomatic delegations and citizens of Luxembourg have been distributed the newspaper clone Luxembruger Wort the local newspaper announcing the "new politics" EIB.
Finally online all of the materials and videos of media activists.
David Hoffman
David Hoffman
Watch it on YouTube
Vito Foderà
Watch it on YouTube
Watch it on YouTube
Luxemburger WAHL
campaign carried out by Counter Balance
Click here to download the paper in PDF
PHOTO GALLERIES The photographs of Charles
About clones, as a birthday present we have copied the official website of the EIB also giving a more appropriate name to the bank, or Everyone's Investment Bank. The joke lasted one day, as long as the relatives of the bankers fall with all the shoes in the joke and begins to fear for the future of their loved ones. And so, the game threatened to sue, the site was stripped of graphics and kept online in text format. Even the "Luxemburger Wort" has suffered a little fanning of threats and the publication of a retraction the next day as if it was not enough and also the operators of containers free press to station are angry. In short, a great turmoil in that at least in Luxembourg where the gentlemen who danced in the streets while you will enjoy! They do not seem great things happen in the city.
The meeting in Luxembourg is for next year.
you there!
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Liquid Denture Cleaner
Catherine Amick
article published by "Il Manifesto"
The Black Sea viewed from the promenade of Burgas, the Bulgarian quiet town overlooking the homonymous bay, it seems a stretch of water as another. Intensive fishing and pollution of the Soviet era. The fishermen, however, say that until a few years ago nobody ate Zarganar, but now that marine biodiversity has been reduced from the mouth of these fish Whiskers needle are offered in restaurants as "fishing boat" local. The bay of Burgas has recently seen the birth of a thriving tourist industry which today has a turnover of about one and a half billion euro per year. However a new threat looms over the fragile ecosystem of the Black Sea, today's chess game between the U.S. and Russia for control of oil.
are even six pipeline projects in the coming years will start from the Eurasian coast to reach Italy, Greece, Albania and Turkey. The Bulgarian coast could soon become a huge oil terminal, through which to channel it to Europe million barrels.
The U.S. for many years supported the pipeline Ambo, which would connect Burgas to Vlore, currently in detention awaiting funding. Russia is playing on the offensive, using his influence is still very strong on Bulgaria and giving fresh impetus to the Burgas-Alexandropoulis pipeline, a pipeline over 400 km long that will reach the north-eastern Aegean. Top secret project. The Bulgarian government, which has already signed an agreement with Russia and Greece, there is unbuttoned. Even the location of the pipeline continues to be secret, although it has existed for an association of the eight municipalities involved. The first rumors say that the pipeline will pass through one or more sites protected under the EU Natura 2000 network. The south of the country is rich in forests and are 12 areas included in the list of EU protected areas. To avoid it would be a very circuitous route, which would cost 2 billion euro.
Environmental NGOs have already begun to fight. In addition to supporting the referendum last spring in the municipalities of Burgas and Sozopol, organized a series of meetings with citizens along the route of the pipeline, collecting signatures for a petition to be sent to the European Commission asking for an assessment of the basin ' cumulative environmental impact of the six projects. But municipalities have already resigned, convinced that their views will not be heard by the central government. The demagogic policy of the government, which promises health and work, is having the best, but civil society is determined not to give up. Not only has established alliances with the local committees in Greece, but also is appealing to international networks. The government propaganda insists on $ 30 million per year that Bulgaria will derive from transit fees, which amount, however, only 2% of the proceeds of the tourism sector, which could instead be a fatal blow. Russia is instead the main shareholder will receive 51% of revenues, while the Greek and Bulgarian companies will share equally the remaining share. If the six projects will be effectively implemented, the environmental risk is incalculable and life in the Black Sea in danger of disappearing forever. We will see what the response of Europe, despite the commitments on climate and the environment continues to support, through its financial institutions in the name of security and domestic energy, hazardous mining projects and distribution of fossil hydrocarbons.
Monday, October 13, 2008
Spotting And Clonazepam
13/10/2008 - The European Investment Bank (EIB) and the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport have signed a framework agreement for the financing of works in the Ten-Year Plan of the Strategic Infrastructure of the Italian government.
Under the agreement, the EIB and the Ministry will step up their cooperation in order to identify the projects included in the Ten-Year Plan financed by the Bank, but not only. Will also jointly define the most appropriate financing and shared competences acquired by the Bank in its European structured finance and project, eg on issues such as competitive and negotiated procedures for the award of concessions under public-private partnership private. The volume of loans that the Bank can make in support of infrastructure projects will be economically sustainable in the order of 15 billion euro in the period 2008-2012.
The agreement was signed in Luxembourg by EIB President Philippe Maystadt, the Vice-President Dario Scannapieco, responsible for financing operations in Italy, Malta and Balkan Western, and the Minister of Infrastructure and Transportation Matteoli.
"At a time so critical for international finance - said Minister Matteoli - today's agreement between Italy and the European Investment Bank is a strong signal of confidence in the Italian Government. Creating the infrastructure allows it to Gross Domestic Product to grow consistently to help the country. "
"The agreement will enable Italy to resume its infrastructure so decided. The country, "the Minister added," suffers a delay on this front heavy, which prevents the growth, development its economy and compete with partners in Europe and worldwide. Faced with the grave international economic and financial crisis, the Italian government is moving to find adequate resources to implement the necessary infrastructure that the country needs. The EIB financing is an important part. There also will move to encourage private investment through public-private partnership. In this regard, we have modified the code of contracts to encourage private investment by offering more flexible rules, deadlines and more streamlined. "
Among the hypotheses that the Minister of Public Works has indicated and that will be financed by the EIB, are the crossings of Frejus and Brenner, the Milan-Verona, the underground C and D of Rome, the completion of the Salerno-Reggio Calabria and the Naples underground.
"Signing this agreement represents a qualitative leap in relations between the EIB and the Administration Italian," said Vice President of the EIB Scannapieco. "It formalizes and strengthens the commitment of the EIB to support the Italian Government's Ten-Year Plan by facilitating and expanding opportunities for funding of strategic infrastructure, in particular the priority of the establishment of the Italian section of the European transport network." "With this agreement," said Scannapieco, "the BEI mette a disposizione del Governo Italiano la sua expertise nella strutturazione del finanziamento delle grandi opere”.
Come in passato, i finanziamenti della BEI potranno riguardare investimenti promossi direttamente dal Ministero, o da amministrazioni dello Stato e società pubbliche, di Regioni, enti pubblici territoriali e soggetti concessionari.
Il Dicastero di Porta Pia promuoverà incontri con queste controparti, per informarle delle possibilità di finanziamento offerte dalla BEI ai sensi di questo Accordo. I prestiti potranno essere intermediati da primari istituti di credito o prendere la forma di interventi di finanza strutturata e di progetto. Il Ministero, infine, esaminerà insieme alla BEI le opportunità co-financing with the funds available through EU programs.
Source: Ministry of Infrastructure and Transportation
Slumberland Microfiber
Catherine Amick
article published in the book Earth Earth "Il Manifesto" It's called
Gilgel Gibe III will be the largest dam in Ethiopia. A 240 meter high wall that hedge up the Omo River and create a reservoir 150 km long and ruined forever a very important river ecosystem upon which the lives of many local communities. The Omo River is born in the region of Oromia, and flowing for 600 km to the south, pours its waters into Lake Turkana in Kenya. Along its banks sono stati ritrovati resti di ominidi e utensili risalenti a milioni di anni fa e questo le è valso il riconoscimento di patrimonio dell’Umanità da parte dell’UNESCO. Ma soprattutto le vallate dell’Omo sono le terre dei Mursi, dei Bodi, dei Galeb, dei Karo ed di altre numerose etnie locali la cui vita è inestricabilmente legata a quella del fiume. Dalle sue inondazioni dipende l’agricoltura locale, dalle sue acque l’allevamento, dal suo scorrere la vita spirituale. Già in passato, crisi ambientali quali l’abbassamento del Lago Turkana, hanno condannato alcune di queste popolazioni alla fame ed alla migrazione e questo rischia di ripetersi in maniera decisamente più violenta. La costruzione della diga Gilgel Gibe III began in the summer of 2006 thanks to the strong relationship between EEPCo, directors electricity entirely controlled by the Ethiopian government and an Italian company, Salini Constructors SpA strong presence in several African countries in the field of major infrastructure projects. The project, costing a total of 1.4 billion euros, was awarded to Salini to direct negotiation without competitive tender, as provided for by both the Ethiopian legislation to international standards in public procurement. The same procedure for the award of the contract, had also marked the realization of the above, to Gilgel Gibe II to the north, always on the same basin. The Gilgel Gibe II system also boasts the dubious involvement of the Italian Cooperation, in October 2004 that gave Ethiopia the largest loan ever granted by the revolving fund, 220 million Euros just as Italy was preparing to cancel Ethiopia 332 million Euros of bilateral debt. In addition to policy incoherence, other elements of the story raise serious doubts about the transparency of the operation. The loan was approved with the negative opinion of the Ministry of Economy and Finance noted that the inelegibilità Ethiopia to aid credit because of the pending cancellation of debt, and the same Technical Evaluation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs which, among other things, deplored the absence of a feasibility study and cost of mitigation of environmental impact in the financial plan. These anomalies are currently being investigated by the prosecution to Rome.
But who is for the energy produced by megadiga Gilgel Gibe III? Export. The full potential generated equal to 1870 MW will be fully exported to Kenya. In fact, in Ethiopia, however, we are five hydroelectric plants under construction, only 12 percent of the population has effective access to electricity mainly due to a transmission limited. Not is still unclear which financial institutions will ensure the necessary liquidity to the completion of the dam, the work started at the expense of the Ethiopian government which is pursuing a dangerous policy reindebitamento but, to date, funding of the work were not insured. Among the potential donors include the European Investment Bank, the Italian Government, the African Development Bank and commercial bank JP Morgan Chase. It seems still necessary to explain to governments and institutions that public funds should not support the development of our commercial enterprises adventures abroad at the expense of the rights and food security of indigenous peoples, but should be used per una reale lotta alla povertà, anche attraverso la fornitura di servizi essenziali quali l’elettricità. Ecco perché gli obiettivi del millennio sono una partita persa.
Scarica il rapporto Completo sul caso della Campagna per la Riforma della Banca Mondiale