Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Material List For Metal Quarter Pipe

Water is a need, but not a right

were held simultaneously in Istanbul on the official World Water Forum and the Forum against civil society and the movements for water. Both sides discussed issues related to water, but the conclusions are different.

article published by Catherine Amick Nigrizia Online

It was concluded Sunday, March 22 The People's Water Forum in Istanbul organized by civil society, in parallel to the fifth World Water Forum. Hundreds of delegates from associations, movements and trade unions stressed that water is a commons and a right important, appealing to governments to the forum has relocated to the UN through a participatory and inclusive process. During the many conferences, the participants arrived in Istanbul from 70 different countries, shared experiences of struggle to make public water, best practices, participatory management, and strategies to pressure governments and local authorities that have led some countries in Latin in the Constitution to recognize that water is a human right, and return to a city like Paris, from 2010, a public management of water services.

Special recognition went to the Turkish civil society, in a few months has managed to build a new key stage for the movement, not without difficulties that have hampered the creation of a united front. Were in fact two separate platforms to animate the alternative forum because of the lack of agreement on nullifying the issue of dams in Turkey, which is strongly intertwined with the Kurdish issue. The turkish government has in fact decided to pursue a project of exploitation of the basins of southeast Anatolia - better known compe-GAP project for the production of electricity and the creation of irrigation infrastructure. A project by the devastating environmental and social impacts, which will flood ancient archaeological sites, will cause the displacement of dozens of Kurdish villages, and will fundamentally change the ecosystem of the region.

The environmental aspect has proven to be a common problem, shared during several workshops with representatives of the associations in Africa and Latin America, where the paradigm of large dams is threatening food security and access to many indigenous peoples and even the ecosystem incontaminata Patagonia.

On one point, however, the agreement was unanimous. The World Water Council, sponsor of the forum since 1997, is an illegitimate body of water driven by corporate interests. The fact is that President Loïc Fauchon, a number of the Marseilles Water Supply Company, a subsidiary of the two largest multinationals, Suez and Veolia, says long on the real purpose of this organization to continue to promote the processes of privatization of water in the northern and southern hemisphere and the construction of big water infrastructure by Western companies. A very dangerous lobby that has managed to bring together in Istanbul and many local governments around the world who are in the final statement condemned the water as a necessity and not as an inalienable right. A few local authorities that have signed the declaration and very important initiative of Latin American governments present at the Forum, who led the drafting of an alternative document that recognizes access to water as a fundamental human right.

Up worships are twenty countries che hanno sottoscritto la dichiarazione alternativa ( fra gli europei solo Spagna e Svizzera) ma il consenso potrebbe crescere nei prossimi mesi. Viva preoccupazione sulla dichiarazione interministeriale è stata espressa dal Presidente Generale dell'Assemblea Generale dell'ONU, Miguel d'Escoto Brockmann, che ha criticato aspramente anche il carattere privatistico ed esclusivo del Forum ufficiale. Le parole di d'Escoto sono arrivate ad Istanbul tramite la consigliera Maude Barlow, che ha partecipato anche ai lavori del forum alternativo facendo appello ad un'alleanza trasversale fra istituzioni e società civile per arrestare questo pericoloso processo di mercificazione dell'acqua. Il tema delle alleanze conclude anche la dichiarazione finale dei movimenti, who referred to the need to join forces with the farmers' networks and those engaged on the face of climate change. E 'increasingly evident that the appointment of the next December in Copenhagen, where he will end the negotiations on climate, global civil society to represent a crucial moment.


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