Friday, July 3, 2009

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Interview with Secretary Mantovano

Approved by the Government and the anti-mafia law against illegal immigration

interview Emanuela Fontana ( the ) :

RomaSottosegretario Mantovano, you made the rules "racial", "pursued the consent 'law of this government never seems to have been so criticized. Why?
" The opposition to the government both inside and outside Parliament, criticized what is not there, or that otherwise has been clarified and eliminated, such as doctors spy, spy principals. But did not address the important things, starting with the significant measures to combat organized crime .
The mafia has spoken little, what changes to the law?
" We have introduced measures to make this measure something equivalent to the standards introduced in '92 after the massacres of the mafia, but then the tragedies were necessary because the parliament was awake now, thank God there was this need .
What you point to hit?
"The collusion between the mafia and economics, between the mafia and government territorial .
Why mafia and the economy?
" For the mafia to stop is a hiccup, as a player ledersi meniscus. But take his villa in the country, the symbol of his power and his arrogance and direct it to a police station or a kindergarten, is a sign of reclaiming land from the state. When there are delays can take the prefect ...


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