Manifestazione PRO waste
As you all know tomorrow Chiaiano (Napoli) there will be a demonstration pacifinta PRO waste. some bells, the global NO, NO the Tav, the NO Dal Molin, 'the NO Bridge have gathered to protest against government decisions to resolve the issue of waste, to resume the construction of major projects and infrastructure and to confirm the alliance between Italy and the United States.
So the people of NO, after a two year sabbatical, he returned to make their voices heard and to oppose anything.
The protest, however, is legitimate. If
bells do not want you to resolve the issue of waste, including landfill to collect the waste in temporary until they are ready to incinerators is their right to protest.
If they want to live amid the rubbish, it's their right to protest.
If they want the streets of their cities are fetid and stinking, it's their right to protest.
If they want to bring up their children in an unhealthy environment, amid the stench of accumulated waste in the streets, outside schools and at the doors of their homes, it's their right to protest.
not say that because the majority of Italians like to live in the city clean and ordered this also like bells, perhaps they like to live like that.
Perhaps that is why for 15 years have continued to vote who has led the Campania in this state of decay and neglect.
Maybe that's why insult the police when trying to arrest one of the Camorra who sow death, violence and toxic waste everywhere.
Maybe that's why the people of NO do not protest against the Camorra, which has been enriched by importing toxic waste from Europe, but against whoever is trying to solve a problem that the bells themselves have caused.
E 'undeniable that if Campania is now in this state, is guilty of Camorra, rulers of Campania, the bells voters and people of NO.
So it is useless to spend more money the state to give something you do not want bells.
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