Friday, July 3, 2009

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Interview with Secretary Mantovano

Approved by the Government and the anti-mafia law against illegal immigration

interview Emanuela Fontana ( the ) :

RomaSottosegretario Mantovano, you made the rules "racial", "pursued the consent 'law of this government never seems to have been so criticized. Why?
" The opposition to the government both inside and outside Parliament, criticized what is not there, or that otherwise has been clarified and eliminated, such as doctors spy, spy principals. But did not address the important things, starting with the significant measures to combat organized crime .
The mafia has spoken little, what changes to the law?
" We have introduced measures to make this measure something equivalent to the standards introduced in '92 after the massacres of the mafia, but then the tragedies were necessary because the parliament was awake now, thank God there was this need .
What you point to hit?
"The collusion between the mafia and economics, between the mafia and government territorial .
Why mafia and the economy?
" For the mafia to stop is a hiccup, as a player ledersi meniscus. But take his villa in the country, the symbol of his power and his arrogance and direct it to a police station or a kindergarten, is a sign of reclaiming land from the state. When there are delays can take the prefect ...

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Mouth Discoloration In Dogs

The "intellectuals of gossip"

Of course the leftist press is arrived if the fruit really is reduced to attacking the government, democratically elected by an overwhelming majority of Italians, according to news stories and gossip rose by four soldiers. Other than "investigative journalism", in these publications are now only career "intellectuals of gossip."

Friday, June 12, 2009

Neuhaus Belgian Chocolate


Rome 5 giugno 2009 – Una dichiarazione rilasciata ieri dalla Banca europea per gli investimenti contraddice quanto annunciato il 3 giugno all’organizzazione Friends of Lake Turkana in merito al ritiro dell’istituzione dal possibile finanziamento della diga di Gibe 3 in Etiopia. Quanto affermato ieri rispecchia appieno la volontà della Banca di condurre nella più totale opacità le sue operazioni riguardo a Gibe 3 e ad altri controversi progetti.
Chiariamo come sono andati realmente i fatti.
Lo scorso 4 marzo Ikal Angelei, coordinatrice della kenyana Friends of Lake Turkana ha inviato una lettera al presidente della BEI chiedendo che la Banca non finanziasse Gibe 3.
Il 30 aprile il segretario generale della BEI ha informato Friends of Lake Turkana che l’ufficio reclami dell’istituzione si sarebbe incontrato con esponenti della Ong keniana per “far sì che la BEI prenda una decisione informata sul possibile finanziamento del progetto”. La responsabile dell’ufficio ha informato Friends of Lake Turkana che avrebbe preso parte all’incontro con il Compliance Review and Mediation Unit della Banca Africana per lo sviluppo previsto per l’8 giugno a Nairobi.
Il 3 giugno la responsabile dell’ufficio reclami della BEI ha chiamato Ikal Angeli, informandola che il presidente della stessa BEI aveva formalmente annunciato il mancato coinvolgimento della Banca in Gibe 3, ragione per cui lei non avrebbe preso parte all’incontro dell’8 giugno. A representative of another institution on the same day he spoke with Ikal Angelee, confirming the news of the withdrawal of the EIB in the draft.
International Rivers, the European coalition Counter Balance and Friends of Lake Turkana have welcomed today's announcement, calling it "a turning point for the environment and affected communities" and a "major step forward for the Bank's lending standards."
On 4 June, the Bank has issued a statement arguing that "so far the Bank has not taken any formal decision about a possible evaluation of the project" and that "the Bank needs more studies to decide whether to proceed with an assessment formal ".
The EIB is used to evaluate projects in an informal way through what it calls a "pre-assessment", to avoid the formal process of liability that applies to the official reviews. In this way the Bank has conducted an evaluation of Gibe 3 hiding behind the cover of "pre-assessment." One trick that has allowed the institution not to disclose to the affected communities about the project, thus avoiding any of their actions.
The Bank also is funding the Economic, Financial and Technical Assessment of the project together with the African Development Bank, although in this case did not wish to disclose any details in this regard.
Based on the latest happenings, International Rivers, the European coalition Counter Balance and Friends of Lake Turkana calling on the Bank to disclose all the information you have to do with his involvement in Gibe 3.
Catherine Amick of the CRBM, one of the organizations that make up the Counter Balance Network, said: "Despite so many speeches and rhetorical commitments, the Bank does not assume its responsibilities. Not only are his policies and guidelines need to be improved but also its internal practices and its approach in general. As the development bank of the European Union, can not do everything possible to conceal its operations. Its actions must be transparent and the public must be informed. "

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

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Administrative 2009, he won the center-
Florence and Bologna are on the ballot, PDL League and tear 15 provinces to the center.

"MILANO - The center-right won the elections. PDL League and progressing from north to south, winning some of the feuds center. The vote on the renewal of 4,281 municipalities and 62 provinces in fact change the Italian situation. Fifteen provinces move from center to center, while there are no reversals in the opposite direction .... "

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Why Do Comic Heroiens Have Such Big Boobs

CLARITY THE EIB does not finance Gibe Dam 3 IN ETHIOPIA

ROME, June 4, 2009 - The European Investment Bank (EIB) announced last night that is not going to provide the financial backing for the dam project Gilgel Gibe 3, in Ethiopia. While not specifying the reasons for this decision, it is clear that the Development Bank of the European Union considered too negative impacts related to construction of the dam. 3 Gilgel Gyges, in fact, if completely devastated the ecosystem of the Omo Valley and Lake Turkana, Kenya, jeopardizing the food security of at least 500 thousand people.

The work of construction of hydroelectric plant, whose cost is estimated around half billion €, are entrusted to the Italian company Salini, who has been awarded the contract by the executive Ethiopian without any formal bidding process to take place.

The CRBM, Counterbalance the coalition, Friends of Lake Turkana and International Rivers have warmly welcomed the decision of the EIB, but at the same time pushing for the Italian Government and the African Development Bank are delivering no funds for the project. The government in Addis Ababa has asked Italy for a loan of 250 million € for the new dam, although our export credit agency, SACE, has already declined any form of support.
's worth mentioning that the dam Gilgel Gibe two, are nearing completion for the work of Salini, was at the time of our cooperation is financed by the EIB.

"The decision of the EIB in the right direction and we hope that this is the first step towards supporting a new energy model that respects the environment and local populations in the countries of the South," said Catherine Amick of CRBM. "The project has already collected the political consensus of the Berlusconi government, which after half the funds for development cooperation intends to allocate 250 million for work that could create a real humanitarian crisis in the region, and has collected numerous irregularities procedural, "he continued Amick. "The Italian cooperation should not fund this project, international civil society is ready to take the case to the UN Human Rights Council and also to undertake a legal battle, if necessary," concluded the Amicucci.

According to the NGO International Rivers U.S. where the African Development Bank would provide a loan to Gilgel Gibe 3 would violate its own policies on environmental and social impacts on poverty reduction, resettlement and cross-border management of water resources.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

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The look of a pen on large dams

The cartoon produced by Counter Balance, which calls on the EIB not to invest in large dams.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Material List For Metal Quarter Pipe

Water is a need, but not a right

were held simultaneously in Istanbul on the official World Water Forum and the Forum against civil society and the movements for water. Both sides discussed issues related to water, but the conclusions are different.

article published by Catherine Amick Nigrizia Online

It was concluded Sunday, March 22 The People's Water Forum in Istanbul organized by civil society, in parallel to the fifth World Water Forum. Hundreds of delegates from associations, movements and trade unions stressed that water is a commons and a right important, appealing to governments to the forum has relocated to the UN through a participatory and inclusive process. During the many conferences, the participants arrived in Istanbul from 70 different countries, shared experiences of struggle to make public water, best practices, participatory management, and strategies to pressure governments and local authorities that have led some countries in Latin in the Constitution to recognize that water is a human right, and return to a city like Paris, from 2010, a public management of water services.

Special recognition went to the Turkish civil society, in a few months has managed to build a new key stage for the movement, not without difficulties that have hampered the creation of a united front. Were in fact two separate platforms to animate the alternative forum because of the lack of agreement on nullifying the issue of dams in Turkey, which is strongly intertwined with the Kurdish issue. The turkish government has in fact decided to pursue a project of exploitation of the basins of southeast Anatolia - better known compe-GAP project for the production of electricity and the creation of irrigation infrastructure. A project by the devastating environmental and social impacts, which will flood ancient archaeological sites, will cause the displacement of dozens of Kurdish villages, and will fundamentally change the ecosystem of the region.

The environmental aspect has proven to be a common problem, shared during several workshops with representatives of the associations in Africa and Latin America, where the paradigm of large dams is threatening food security and access to many indigenous peoples and even the ecosystem incontaminata Patagonia.

On one point, however, the agreement was unanimous. The World Water Council, sponsor of the forum since 1997, is an illegitimate body of water driven by corporate interests. The fact is that President Loïc Fauchon, a number of the Marseilles Water Supply Company, a subsidiary of the two largest multinationals, Suez and Veolia, says long on the real purpose of this organization to continue to promote the processes of privatization of water in the northern and southern hemisphere and the construction of big water infrastructure by Western companies. A very dangerous lobby that has managed to bring together in Istanbul and many local governments around the world who are in the final statement condemned the water as a necessity and not as an inalienable right. A few local authorities that have signed the declaration and very important initiative of Latin American governments present at the Forum, who led the drafting of an alternative document that recognizes access to water as a fundamental human right.

Up worships are twenty countries che hanno sottoscritto la dichiarazione alternativa ( fra gli europei solo Spagna e Svizzera) ma il consenso potrebbe crescere nei prossimi mesi. Viva preoccupazione sulla dichiarazione interministeriale è stata espressa dal Presidente Generale dell'Assemblea Generale dell'ONU, Miguel d'Escoto Brockmann, che ha criticato aspramente anche il carattere privatistico ed esclusivo del Forum ufficiale. Le parole di d'Escoto sono arrivate ad Istanbul tramite la consigliera Maude Barlow, che ha partecipato anche ai lavori del forum alternativo facendo appello ad un'alleanza trasversale fra istituzioni e società civile per arrestare questo pericoloso processo di mercificazione dell'acqua. Il tema delle alleanze conclude anche la dichiarazione finale dei movimenti, who referred to the need to join forces with the farmers' networks and those engaged on the face of climate change. E 'increasingly evident that the appointment of the next December in Copenhagen, where he will end the negotiations on climate, global civil society to represent a crucial moment.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

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The dam thirsty

Catherine Amick article published in "Il Manifesto"

The region of Lake Turkana is Kenya's most arid, desert sand and stone that marks the sensitive border with Ethiopia, Sudan el 'Uganda. There, water is the most valuable asset, so that you walk up to eight hours under the hot sun to bring back home a liter. In recent years the drought has significantly reduced the seasonal rains and rivers remain dry for most of the time.
This is the land of the Turkana, Borana, Samburu and Dasanech, mainly nomadic pastoralist communities has always been in conflict for the exploitation of scarce resources. They survive by raising camels, goats, donkeys and a land inaccessible contending and access to the few available water supplies.
In this hostile environment, the lake is a key resource. For some communities it is the only source of water, although salt is used for all domestic purposes and for watering livestock. Over the years these people from the traditions millenarie hanno diversificato l'attività produttiva dedicandosi anche alla pesca. Attraverso una rudimentale catena di distribuzione e commercio, il pesce del lago Turkana arriva sui mercati di Nairobi e viene venduto anche in Uganda. Si stima che fra pescatori, distributori, commercianti e trasportatori la pesca sia l'unica fonte di reddito per 10mila famiglie, che da queste parti significa 80mila persone.
Questo fragile sistema di relazioni ecologiche e sociali potrebbe collassare per sempre se la costruzione della diga Gilgel Gibe III arriverà a compimento. Il fiume Omo scorre per 600 chilometri in Etiopia, garantendo il 90 per cento dell'acqua del lago Turkana. E proprio sul bacino dell'Omo il sodalizio fra il governo etiope e una nota azienda italiana, Salini Constructors SpA, has led to the dam project Gibe III, which could create a humanitarian and environmental crisis unprecedented in a traditionally unstable region. The dam, under construction since 2006, fully hedge up the river with a wall of 240 meters, 500 km north of Lake Turkana. In Ethiopia, the Omo Valley is also inhabited by numerous indigenous communities who live in traditional agriculture based on the flooding of the River. During the rainy season, the flood irrigate the lands naturally deposited organic matter which increases its fertility, the same technique used by ancient Egyptians along the Nile.
But in terms of drought will be the region Turkana to pay the highest price. It is estimated that the lake level drop of 10-12 feet of water by increasing the salt concentration and finally undermining domestic use and for livestock. The aquatic biodiversity will be drastically reduced, creating an irreversible crisis of the local economy. The conflicts between local populations will be exacerbated by environmental degradation and increasing poverty.
This could be done under the sign of development. The dam will have a total cost of one billion and € 800 million and could receive support from the African Development Bank and European Investment Bank. The European taxpayers' money so thirsty further una regione già duramente colpita dal cambiamento climatico e farebbero precipitare questa ampia zona dell'Africa subshariana in una nuova spirale di conflitti.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Responding To Rejection Letter

One big pig goes to the market

Come i soldi destinati allo sviluppo della Banca Europea per gli Investimenti arrivano al sud e poi tornano al nord.