Friday, May 30, 2008

Marcy Fitness Toronto

Good policy
Transparency and efficiency in the PA
The first measures the Minister Brunetta
The arrival of Professor Renato Brunetta the Ministry of Civil Public is leading to an epochal change in direction in the management of Public Administration.
" Improved efficiency and greater transparency " seem to be the guidelines of the measures and decisions of neoministro, whose goal is to enable all citizens to be aware "of the objectives laid management, valuation, of financial indicators of expenditure, indicators of quality. "
In this way, finally, there will be an active control against those who must operate the various administrations. From this point of view is his decision to publish on the Internet , in agreement with the guarantor of privacy, wage rates and the absence of the leaders of his ministry . The following article published in "Il Giornale" said Minister of the first steps: Click here to read .
Forces Minister, on like this!

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Hatchet Vs Genetals Watch

I controrematori
Why the trigger and the gnawing Gags much?
The political climate seems to finally changed .
Government and the Opposition are trying to "talk" to find common solutions to enduring problems of our beloved country. At least that's what they say the main representatives of the PD and the PDL.

E 'right to be perplexed and doubtful in against this ruling class that has almost always fallen short of expectations, but the bitterness and rancor in recent weeks in which the trigger and Gags are attacking the PD and the PDL are really disconcerting and more than a few doubts creep in .

One wonders, "but they which way they are? " They want
in Italy the problems are resolved or prefer that things remain as they are in order to exploit the discontent of the people to increase their income?

The Trigger and the FOR Gags are the Italians and the Italians?
They want problems to be resolved or have an interest that the situation deteriorates more and more?

The truth is that the fortunes of the trigger and Gags are directly proportional to the misfortunes of our country .
and 'why' are against?

What do you think?

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Knex Drop N Swing Instructions

Captains Courageous

"'m proud to be Juventus, to be a 'flag', as I often referred to, in fact I am only a small part of a big Juventus flag and if each of you look closely there is also written his name ... ( Alessandro Del Piero )

Monday, May 26, 2008

Military Spotter Scopes

I find Campania waste
Campania But those who protest against the opening of landfills and made sure to collect waste from households bells, where they were when the Camorra opened hundreds full of illegal dumping of toxic waste which polluted the soil, groundwater and waterways?

According to Campania, where they should be disposed of their waste? Why
agreed without batting an eyelash toxic waste imported from Camorra and protest Who wants to help solve a problem that will destroy the economy, environment and reputation of their region?

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Fotos Hq Monica Roccaforte

the pursuit of happiness
In 1993, nell'abum All Stories , Eros Ramazzotti , presented a song that had no success and the attention it deserved. The song is called
Fable and is a song inspired by a tale of Hermann Hesse, Pictor The transformations (Pictor's Verwandlungen [1923]).

Often we assume that they have reached the absolute truth to be self-sufficient and did not need anything more. This sense of omnipotence is intended to break down quickly against the reality of the constant evolution of things. Even our dreams are part of this constantly changing, so is the desire to build them the only constant in our lives. Perhaps the search is not the means but the end?

Fish With Curved Spine

My proposals
First persecute the criminals
Open letter to Interior Minister, Roberto Maroni
Honourable Minister,
in the coming days the government will address the "security issue " which is considered a priority for the Government and that much care about the Italians that they have seen in recent years, growing increasingly degradation and lawlessness in their cities.

Following the political debate, however, I realized that the security problem is often identified with the large presence of immigrants in Italy. While the immigration candestina is a big problem is also true that identify this phenomenon with the presence of a crime rate growing in our country is wrong and can get side effects.

If the government reduced the "security issue" in a fight against illegal immigration, which also must be taken forward, would be in a safe failure.

The problem of our country is that, for many years now, have lost the sense of legality, ripetto the law and respect for institutions that should be firmly rooted in all of us.

The first step that the Government should, in my opinion, should be to reaffirm the rule of law and to hear the state's streets and in neighborhoods all over Italy. Perhaps there not need special laws to apply with sufficient seriousness and severity of those that are there, finally abandoning the politics of pardons and amnesties, which are the main cause of the lack of respect for the citizens against the State, laws and institutions.

The state should make life impossible for the criminals, the idlers, thieves and violent.

In this way, automatically, Italy would cease to become the happy island of the crime and is no longer the preferred choice of criminals in Europe and beyond .

The measures to be taken, in my view, are very simple, and should cover anyone who wants to live in Italy.

  1. certainty of punishment: Whoever is convicted must not escape from prison without having served the sentence that was imposed. This does not happen too often, the episodes are full of the news of crimes committed by people who should be in jail. Why does this happen? Who is responsible?
  2. Fight to work in black and white in the rents to illegal : Employment contracts, leases and businesses must be in order and enforce the law. Local governments, assisted by the police should be empowered to make dei controlli a tappetto nel loro territorio ed impedire che italiani e immigrati lavorino senza contratti validi, affittino o prendano in affitto case in nero, vendano per strada senza la licenza opportuna ed occupino terreni e case senza alcun permesso. Questo significa anche smantellamento di tutti i campi abusivi presenti nelle città italiane in cui le condizioni di vita sono indecenti.
  3. Lotta allo sfrutamento del lavoro minorile : Chi vive in Italia è obbligato per Legge a frequentare la scuola fino a una certa età. Questa legge è attualmente inattuata. Il problema non riguarda soltanto i bambini Rom, ma riguarda anche molti bambini italiani che abbandonano la scuola per andare a thicken the ranks of crime. The state should intervene forcefully, taking away the parental rights for parents who exploit their children, and entrusting the children to new families, group homes or why not in institutions or colleges. Better than a child living in college rather than in the midst of thieves and criminals. How many of our parents have lived in college without becoming misfits?
  4. Greater police presence on the streets : No patrols of citizens to justice and do it yourself, but to ensure a greater presence of Police, Carabinieri, Finance and Police Muninicipale the streets of our cities. In this way, citizens would feel safer and criminals more uncomfortable and in distress.

All these points can be summarized briefly in one guideline: " systematic, serious and severe of all the laws of the State . The state objective must be to make life impossible for the criminals and instead help those who want to live in or return to live honestly.

All of us, Mr Minister, we place a great all confident against him and against the new government. Even in light of propositional attitude of the opposition think that finally it is possible to move from words to deeds, but there is need, by the Government, bold decisions, serious and deliberate. Good work


Monday, May 19, 2008

Free Blue Prints For Car Dolly

My proposals
The real "treasure" means waste
Open letter to Environment Minister, Stefania Prestigiacomo
Honourable Minister,
the sad waste crisis that occurred in Campania has brought to the fore the issue of waste disposal in Italy has never been addressed in a serious and determined. All this happened because waste disposal problem has been seen as a boring and tedious and not as an opportunity for growth, development and employment.

Berlusconi's government seems determined to make a number of next-generation energy plants that do not introduce harmful substances into the environment and also produce electricity.
his is definitely a good thing, but not enough.
The real way to "enhance" the waste is to recycle them.
Waste should be viewed as a resource that many companies could use as "raw material" at low cost.
In Italy the number of companies working in the environmental sector and is involved in recycling is growing and produces more profits and employment. Stimulating the emergence of new companies and growth and development of existing ones, with an appropriate legislative action, brought many advantages to the institutions, citizens and the environment.

What should the legislature to give a jolt to this area?
First "compel" the municipalities to carry out the collection.
  1. You could ban all the municipalities that do not perform proper recycling of the waste tax collection. It seems a simple and effective idea, I believe that the inability to charge a fee would lead many governments to implement recycling.
  2. could rewarded with increased funding from the state, governments that reach a very high percentage of recycling.
  3. You might even consider completely Commissioner municipalities defaulted.
It seems to me that the possibilities of intervention are many, surely you have available to consultants who will advise the most effective measures and incentives.

Municipalities, however, after being "forced" to collect the waste in a different way, messsi should be able to manage them properly.
If there was a national list maybe viewed online, all Italian and foreign companies that deal di riciclaggio, gli amministratori potrebbero contattarle direttamente e offrire loro la "materia prima" raccolta.
Ovviamente le aziende italiane inserite in questo elenco dovrebbero essere periodicamente controllate dalla Finanza per garantire che utilizzino in modo corretto questa "materia prima", che rispettino l'ambiente e non siano pericolose per gli bitanti della zona.

Chiedo scusa per essermi dilungato troppo.
Queste sono idee semplici, forse banali, che hanno il solo scopo di manifestarle il desiderio dei cittadini italiani che finalmente si passi dalle parole ai fatti e che finalmente si faccia qualcosa di concreto per il nostro Paese.

Distinti Saluti

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Final Destination Ottawa

Wonderful tonight - Eric Clapton

It's late in the evening
She's wondering what clothes to wear
She puts on her makeup
And brushes her long blonde hair
And then she asks me
Do I look alright ?
And I say yes, you look wonderful tonight
We go to a party
And everyone turns to see
This beautiful lady
That's walking around with me
And then she asks me
Do you feel alright ?
And I say yes, I feel wonderful tonight

I feel wonderful
Because I see-ee the love light in your eyes
And the wonder of it all
Is that you just don't realize
How much I love you

It's time to go home now
And I've got an aching head
So I give her the car keys
She helps me to bed
And then I tell her
As I turn out the light
I say my darling, you were wonderful tonight

Oh my darling, you were wonderful tonight
Oh my darling, you were wonderful tonight

Il testo è stato preso da

Friday, May 16, 2008

Women On The Green Egg

Una buona notizia The Antitrust
against dishonest banks
Finally something is moving against the excessive power of caste of BANKERS FINANCIERS and in recent years have grown rich at the expense of people and reduced them on pavement with rates from lenders: Click here to read the article.
What do you think?

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Rising Antivirus 2009 Full Free Edition

False honest
Travaglio friend of the mafia?
According Travaglio, who has worked with the Mafia, who salutes the mafia, who has known the Mafia, who has lived with the Mafia is a mafia .
Secondo il suo ragionamento lui stesso sarebbe un mafioso, visto che in passato ha frequentato dei mafiosi.

In questo articolo di Giuseppe D'Avanzo , infatti, si parla del lato oscuro di Travaglio e delle sue conoscenze mafiose: clicca qui per leggerlo.

Noi siamo convinti, invece, che " il metodo Travaglio " sia errato e inaccettabile perché superficiale, fazioso e scorretto. I suoi attacchi sono spesso dei vili agguati contro persone assenti che non possono controbattere e rispondere alle sue accuse offensive e infamanti.
Quello di Travaglio non è giornalismo ma sciacallaggio .

Post Nup How Much It Costs

Le mie proposte
Una casa per tutti
Proposte e idee per un Piano Casa a livello nazionale
Dopo le tante delusioni provocate dal governo Prodi e dopo una campagna elettorale piena di promesse e buoni propositi, adesso gli italiani si aspettano dal Governo Berlusconi fatti concreti .

Uno dei problemi più sentiti dai cittadini giovani e meno giovani è quello della CASA .
Quello della CASA è, assieme al lavoro, alla sicurezza e all'assistenza sanitaria un bisogno primario per tutti and a sacred right.
problems to be solved are: rents too high, the high cost of apartments the mortgage rates and unsustainable shortage of apartments where they are needed .
What is needed is a real HOUSING PLAN with the aim of building new homes and make a reasonable rental prices and purchase of apartments and mortgage interest rates. Here's my


  1. Cancellation effective, real and progressive ICI on the first house, starting with the lower bands ADEQUATE INCOME.
  2. Increase ICI for vacant houses and unused. Should be common to see which and how many homes are not used.
  3. Increased taxation on the profits of banks that do not offer reasonable rates and dumb to oppose the "transfer" or the renegotiation of the same.
  4. rents can be deducted from the income tax return in order to discourage "black holiday."
  5. fight against "black rent" by local authorities who have the tools and the ability to control all the houses in the city.
  6. National Plan for the construction of new apartments . Municipalities should build new condominiums selling half of the apartments at market price to those who can allow to recover the money invested. The other half of the flats should be sold at lower prices to poorer households. In some big cities you might think to build entire neighborhoods self-sufficient with shops and offices in order to relieve congestion in the city center. The areas that could be built are those owned by municipalities or of the slums and on these our so-called "slums". The construction of the new districts should be done in an environmentally friendly and future residents. To this should be immersed in the green, well-lit, nice to see and should use all available technologies to produce energy so clean and avoid the waste of energy.
What do you think?
measures would be useful and effective?
What is impossible with this?
What other measures could be effective?

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Morning After Pill For Dogireland

"If some 'ffa!"

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Molded Or Scew In Football Cleats

Facts not words
combat illegal immigration and crime
It seems that the new government has now passed from words to deeds.
Today there was a big haul police in nine Italian regions, which led to the arrest of 383 people, including 268 of foreign origin, and 118 expulsion orders (accompanied to the border with 53 and 65 in detention centers).
The unlawful activities of those arrested were linked to petty crime, illegal immigration and prostitution.

The fight petty crime and organized crime must be a priority for the new government. We want to live in a country where the law is guaranteed and respected.

Interview with Gilberto Caldarozzi Mario Caprara - Capital Radio

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Iketeru Futari Vol 25

Bentornato ministro Stanca
Ho letto, su , un intervento di Fausto Panunzi molto critico nei confronti del ritorno di Lucio Stanca al ministero dell'Innovazione.
Non sono asolutamente d'accordo con lui.
Trovo sia molto semplicistico e superficiale giudicare l'operato del ministro Stanca soltanto in base alla vicenda del portale, sulla quale tra l'altro è stata fatta molta disinformazione e sono nate delle vere e proprie leggende metropolitane riguardo cifre assurde che non trovano riscontro nella realtà dei fatti.

Sono tuttavia d'accordo con Fausto Panunzi riguardo il fatto che i ministri dovrebbero essere giudicati according to their function and what they have done in practice.
Because this is not acceptable that you accuse and criticize one of the ministers most active and productive for the last legislature. Anyone visiting the portal
CNIPA (National Centre for Information Technology in Public Administration) could see the tremendous work that has been produced by the Minister Lucio Stanca and the Berlusconi government to computerize and streamline the public administration.
This commitment has meant that the Italian legislation on data in a few years, albeit from a state of absolute shortage regulations, has taken important steps forward and leads the world.
Leafing the "laws, decrees and directives," it can be seen in the years 2001 to 2006, the Italian government has produced a great number of laws, decrees and regulations that constitute a solid basis for the computerization of the PA, the reorganization and optimization of administrative processes.
Among the most important issues that were addressed are: access, storage, replacement, the National Services Card (CNS), the electronic pay slips, the Digital Administration Code, the electronic documents and electronic signatures , the 'E-learning, e-mail certified (PEC), the protocol, the quality of online services, the reuse of public data, the rationalization of expenditure, the International Network of Public Administration (RIPA), computer security, geographic information systems, the Public Connectivity System (SPC), etc..
For each of these issues has been filled the void with regulatory laws and decrees have been designed and enacted technical regulations and were co-financed projects more attractive.
All public bodies now have available a large number of instruments, procedures, rules, regulations and funding that can be used to provide citizens with better services, efficient and effective. The Minister Lucio Stanca
really deserves a commendation for the excellent work svolto e per l'accelerazione che ha saputo imprimere alla modernizzazione della Pubblica Amministrazione.
Il suo lavoro e i risultati raggiunti si apprezzano ancora di più se si confrontano con l'immobilismo che abbiamo sperimentato e abbiamo subito durante l’ultimo governo di centrosinistra.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Independence Of The Seas Dvd

La vignetta del giorno
Ecco le altre vignette che sono valse la condanna a morte nei confronti del loro autore. Quella dell'Islam è davvero una cultura tollerante !!!