in the coming days the government will address the "security issue " which is considered a priority for the Government and that much care about the Italians that they have seen in recent years, growing increasingly degradation and lawlessness in their cities.
Following the political debate, however, I realized that the security problem is often identified with the large presence of immigrants in Italy. While the immigration candestina is a big problem is also true that identify this phenomenon with the presence of a crime rate growing in our country is wrong and can get side effects.
If the government reduced the "security issue" in a fight against illegal immigration, which also must be taken forward, would be in a safe failure.
The problem of our country is that, for many years now, have lost the sense of legality, ripetto the law and respect for institutions that should be firmly rooted in all of us.
The first step that the Government should, in my opinion, should be to reaffirm the rule of law and to hear the state's streets and in neighborhoods all over Italy. Perhaps there not need special laws to apply with sufficient seriousness and severity of those that are there, finally abandoning the politics of pardons and amnesties, which are the main cause of the lack of respect for the citizens against the State, laws and institutions.
The state should make life impossible for the criminals, the idlers, thieves and violent.
In this way, automatically, Italy would cease to become the happy island of the crime and is no longer the preferred choice of criminals in Europe and beyond .
The measures to be taken, in my view, are very simple, and should cover anyone who wants to live in Italy.
- certainty of punishment: Whoever is convicted must not escape from prison without having served the sentence that was imposed. This does not happen too often, the episodes are full of the news of crimes committed by people who should be in jail. Why does this happen? Who is responsible?
- Fight to work in black and white in the rents to illegal : Employment contracts, leases and businesses must be in order and enforce the law. Local governments, assisted by the police should be empowered to make dei controlli a tappetto nel loro territorio ed impedire che italiani e immigrati lavorino senza contratti validi, affittino o prendano in affitto case in nero, vendano per strada senza la licenza opportuna ed occupino terreni e case senza alcun permesso. Questo significa anche smantellamento di tutti i campi abusivi presenti nelle città italiane in cui le condizioni di vita sono indecenti.
- Lotta allo sfrutamento del lavoro minorile : Chi vive in Italia è obbligato per Legge a frequentare la scuola fino a una certa età. Questa legge è attualmente inattuata. Il problema non riguarda soltanto i bambini Rom, ma riguarda anche molti bambini italiani che abbandonano la scuola per andare a thicken the ranks of crime. The state should intervene forcefully, taking away the parental rights for parents who exploit their children, and entrusting the children to new families, group homes or why not in institutions or colleges. Better than a child living in college rather than in the midst of thieves and criminals. How many of our parents have lived in college without becoming misfits?
- Greater police presence on the streets : No patrols of citizens to justice and do it yourself, but to ensure a greater presence of Police, Carabinieri, Finance and Police Muninicipale the streets of our cities. In this way, citizens would feel safer and criminals more uncomfortable and in distress.
All these points can be summarized briefly in one guideline: " systematic, serious and severe of all the laws of the State . The state objective must be to make life impossible for the criminals and instead help those who want to live in or return to live honestly.
All of us, Mr Minister, we place a great all confident against him and against the new government. Even in light of propositional attitude of the opposition think that finally it is possible to move from words to deeds, but there is need, by the Government, bold decisions, serious and deliberate. Good work
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