The real "treasure" means waste
Open letter to Environment Minister, Stefania Prestigiacomo
Honourable Minister, the sad waste crisis that occurred in Campania has brought to the fore the issue of waste disposal in Italy has never been addressed in a serious and determined. All this happened because waste disposal problem has been seen as a boring and tedious and not as an opportunity for growth, development and employment.
Berlusconi's government seems determined to make a number of next-generation energy plants that do not introduce harmful substances into the environment and also produce electricity.
his is definitely a good thing, but not enough.
The real way to "enhance" the waste is to recycle them.
Waste should be viewed as a resource that many companies could use as "raw material" at low cost.
In Italy the number of companies working in the environmental sector and is involved in recycling is growing and produces more profits and employment. Stimulating the emergence of new companies and growth and development of existing ones, with an appropriate legislative action, brought many advantages to the institutions, citizens and the environment.
What should the legislature to give a jolt to this area?
First "compel" the municipalities to carry out the collection.
- You could ban all the municipalities that do not perform proper recycling of the waste tax collection. It seems a simple and effective idea, I believe that the inability to charge a fee would lead many governments to implement recycling.
- could rewarded with increased funding from the state, governments that reach a very high percentage of recycling.
- You might even consider completely Commissioner municipalities defaulted.
Municipalities, however, after being "forced" to collect the waste in a different way, messsi should be able to manage them properly.
If there was a national list maybe viewed online, all Italian and foreign companies that deal di riciclaggio, gli amministratori potrebbero contattarle direttamente e offrire loro la "materia prima" raccolta.
Ovviamente le aziende italiane inserite in questo elenco dovrebbero essere periodicamente controllate dalla Finanza per garantire che utilizzino in modo corretto questa "materia prima", che rispettino l'ambiente e non siano pericolose per gli bitanti della zona.
Chiedo scusa per essermi dilungato troppo.
Queste sono idee semplici, forse banali, che hanno il solo scopo di manifestarle il desiderio dei cittadini italiani che finalmente si passi dalle parole ai fatti e che finalmente si faccia qualcosa di concreto per il nostro Paese.
Distinti Saluti
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