Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Iketeru Futari Vol 25

Bentornato ministro Stanca
Ho letto, su , un intervento di Fausto Panunzi molto critico nei confronti del ritorno di Lucio Stanca al ministero dell'Innovazione.
Non sono asolutamente d'accordo con lui.
Trovo sia molto semplicistico e superficiale giudicare l'operato del ministro Stanca soltanto in base alla vicenda del portale, sulla quale tra l'altro è stata fatta molta disinformazione e sono nate delle vere e proprie leggende metropolitane riguardo cifre assurde che non trovano riscontro nella realtà dei fatti.

Sono tuttavia d'accordo con Fausto Panunzi riguardo il fatto che i ministri dovrebbero essere giudicati according to their function and what they have done in practice.
Because this is not acceptable that you accuse and criticize one of the ministers most active and productive for the last legislature. Anyone visiting the portal
CNIPA (National Centre for Information Technology in Public Administration) could see the tremendous work that has been produced by the Minister Lucio Stanca and the Berlusconi government to computerize and streamline the public administration.
This commitment has meant that the Italian legislation on data in a few years, albeit from a state of absolute shortage regulations, has taken important steps forward and leads the world.
Leafing the "laws, decrees and directives," it can be seen in the years 2001 to 2006, the Italian government has produced a great number of laws, decrees and regulations that constitute a solid basis for the computerization of the PA, the reorganization and optimization of administrative processes.
Among the most important issues that were addressed are: access, storage, replacement, the National Services Card (CNS), the electronic pay slips, the Digital Administration Code, the electronic documents and electronic signatures , the 'E-learning, e-mail certified (PEC), the protocol, the quality of online services, the reuse of public data, the rationalization of expenditure, the International Network of Public Administration (RIPA), computer security, geographic information systems, the Public Connectivity System (SPC), etc..
For each of these issues has been filled the void with regulatory laws and decrees have been designed and enacted technical regulations and were co-financed projects more attractive.
All public bodies now have available a large number of instruments, procedures, rules, regulations and funding that can be used to provide citizens with better services, efficient and effective. The Minister Lucio Stanca
really deserves a commendation for the excellent work svolto e per l'accelerazione che ha saputo imprimere alla modernizzazione della Pubblica Amministrazione.
Il suo lavoro e i risultati raggiunti si apprezzano ancora di più se si confrontano con l'immobilismo che abbiamo sperimentato e abbiamo subito durante l’ultimo governo di centrosinistra.


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