Una casa per tutti
Proposte e idee per un Piano Casa a livello nazionale
Dopo le tante delusioni provocate dal governo Prodi e dopo una campagna elettorale piena di promesse e buoni propositi, adesso gli italiani si aspettano dal Governo Berlusconi fatti concreti . Uno dei problemi più sentiti dai cittadini giovani e meno giovani è quello della CASA .
Quello della CASA è, assieme al lavoro, alla sicurezza e all'assistenza sanitaria un bisogno primario per tutti and a sacred right.
problems to be solved are: rents too high, the high cost of apartments the mortgage rates and unsustainable shortage of apartments where they are needed .
What is needed is a real HOUSING PLAN with the aim of building new homes and make a reasonable rental prices and purchase of apartments and mortgage interest rates. Here's my
- Cancellation effective, real and progressive ICI on the first house, starting with the lower bands ADEQUATE INCOME.
- Increase ICI for vacant houses and unused. Should be common to see which and how many homes are not used.
- Increased taxation on the profits of banks that do not offer reasonable rates and dumb to oppose the "transfer" or the renegotiation of the same.
- rents can be deducted from the income tax return in order to discourage "black holiday."
- fight against "black rent" by local authorities who have the tools and the ability to control all the houses in the city.
- National Plan for the construction of new apartments . Municipalities should build new condominiums selling half of the apartments at market price to those who can allow to recover the money invested. The other half of the flats should be sold at lower prices to poorer households. In some big cities you might think to build entire neighborhoods self-sufficient with shops and offices in order to relieve congestion in the city center. The areas that could be built are those owned by municipalities or of the slums and on these our so-called "slums". The construction of the new districts should be done in an environmentally friendly and future residents. To this should be immersed in the green, well-lit, nice to see and should use all available technologies to produce energy so clean and avoid the waste of energy.
measures would be useful and effective?
What is impossible with this?
What other measures could be effective?
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