Day marked by protests than yesterday: the protesters gathered in Rome at Porta San Paolo, Roman historical site of resistance against the Fascists and Nazis, they pelted with lemons and other objects, the governor of the Lazio Renata Polverini, accused of being contiguous with the neo-fascist circles executives in recent months a number of assaults and violence. The governor of the PDL and the President of the Province of Rome, the leader of the PD Nicola Zingaretti, have not even started their operation and left the square. Group that was challenged defense of Zionism. The protesters, gathered under the stage at Porta San Paolo on the occasion of the celebration of the day of liberation from fascism, booed e contestato un gruppo di appartenenti all’Associazione Romana Amici d’Israele, che,
accompagnati dalla deputata del PdL Fiamma Nirenstein, si erano avvicinati per distribuire un volantino in cui, a nome della Brigata Ebraica, rivendicavano il contributo del sionismo e rinnovavano la solidarietà a Israele. Gli antifascisti, convenuti per commemorare la lotta di liberazione dall’occupante nazifascista, hanno scandito slogans ricordando che Israele è lo stato che da oltre sessant’anni occupa i territori del popolo palestinese e lo sottopone a massacri, espulsioni e regime di apartheid. La Digos ha annunciato nel pomeriggio di ieri di aver identificato e denunciato due giovani dell'area dei centri sociali. Yesterday morning police have detained and identified and Digos, Viale April 21, while 17 people were preparing to begin around 4000 attacchinaggio posters glorifying fascism and a portrait of Benito Mussolini. These include a thirty-year member of Forza Nuova already complained in the past for having participated in the beatings and assaults against young and left-wing students.
Disputes in Milan in the afternoon to march against the participation of 25 April the Mayor Letizia Moratti and the president of the province Podesta, bombarded by slogans against fascism. Also in the Piazza del Duomo dispute continued and increased tone with some centers that have tried to approach Journal of the stage with their truck which shouted slogans against the involvement of right-wingers in the celebrations of the liberation. Protests against the Democratic Party joined the PDL in demanding a steady hand against those responsible: the party has even announced Bersani questions to the Interior Minister Roberto Maroni for allowing the protesters came closer to the stage in Piazza Duomo. Even the secretary of labor in the city of Lombardy, the CGIL, challenges what he calls the laxity of the police. The center was the shipyard, indicted for the protest yesterday in Milan, expresses 'respect' for the association for veterans and supporters, but the PA asked for an explanation for the presence onstage of 25 aprile di ''chi finanzia le iniziative dei nazifascisti oggi''. I militanti del centro sociale hanno spiegato di riferirsi in particolare alla settimana di eventi dell’estrema destra 'finanziata dagli enti locali milanesi'. 'Abbiamo sempre avuto e ribadiamo il nostro rispetto per quanto Anpi e reduci hanno subito durante il nazifascismo e per quanto hanno fatto per combatterlo - hanno detto al termine della manifestazione - ma vorremmo ci fosse rispetto anche per i giovani antifascisti milanesi''.
Disputes in Milan in the afternoon to march against the participation of 25 April the Mayor Letizia Moratti and the president of the province Podesta, bombarded by slogans against fascism. Also in the Piazza del Duomo dispute continued and increased tone with some centers that have tried to approach Journal of the stage with their truck which shouted slogans against the involvement of right-wingers in the celebrations of the liberation. Protests against the Democratic Party joined the PDL in demanding a steady hand against those responsible: the party has even announced Bersani questions to the Interior Minister Roberto Maroni for allowing the protesters came closer to the stage in Piazza Duomo. Even the secretary of labor in the city of Lombardy, the CGIL, challenges what he calls the laxity of the police. The center was the shipyard, indicted for the protest yesterday in Milan, expresses 'respect' for the association for veterans and supporters, but the PA asked for an explanation for the presence onstage of 25 aprile di ''chi finanzia le iniziative dei nazifascisti oggi''. I militanti del centro sociale hanno spiegato di riferirsi in particolare alla settimana di eventi dell’estrema destra 'finanziata dagli enti locali milanesi'. 'Abbiamo sempre avuto e ribadiamo il nostro rispetto per quanto Anpi e reduci hanno subito durante il nazifascismo e per quanto hanno fatto per combatterlo - hanno detto al termine della manifestazione - ma vorremmo ci fosse rispetto anche per i giovani antifascisti milanesi''.
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