Friday, April 30, 2010

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[Brussels 04.28.2010] In the square opposite Cuba

beautiful day in Brussels a new European political solidarity and struggle
alongside Cuba

A beautiful day out yesterday in Brussels and not just for the warm sun but also because it has illuminated partecipatissimo sit in the Place Schuman before the European Commission and the European Parliament, in support of Cuba by the Italian and European solidarity.

This could be the summary of the sit-in to oppose the shameful vote against Cuba in recent weeks at the European Parliament organized a national dallAssociazione Italy-Cuba Friendship, Our America and the Association La Villetta for Cuba, have joined and participated in many European associations of solidarity with Cuba, the communist parties and the European labor (starting from the Workers Party of Belgium (PTB), Network of Communists for Italy, Danish Communist Party, Communiste Pôle de Renaissance en France (PRCF ), PC and France Juventud Comunista (PC France) AKEL (Cyprus), and several MEPs, the Italians were missing.

Our second round of joint mobilization campaign, after the sit in front of the RAI in Rome, it was transformed into a beautiful and important event in Europe with a strong and clear meaning of the response against the shameful political campaign and mass media which has the goal of political attack lautodeterminazione and sovereignty of the government and the process of popular self-determination of the Cuban revolution. A great result from which we get new ideas for the remaining two events that will conduct on May 6 in front of the Corriere della Sera in Milan and concluding in late May in Rome.

Even under the political point of view we have to record a great success. The delegation of Sergio and Andrea Marinoni Genovali for Italy-Cuba, Luciano Vasapollo to Nuestra America and Luciano Iacovino La Villa, along with three representatives of solidarity with French, Belgian and German, was received at the European Parliament and the deputy was able to meet PC Portugal, Joao Ferreira. Important meetings with the Member of AKEL (Cyprus) Takis Hadjigerrgiou, with the deputy Willy Meyer of Izquierda Unida, the deputy Geogis Toussas PC with Greece and the deputy PC Jacky Hénin France.

With all of them, and in particular the Portuguese Member of the PC, and discussed the shame represented by the vote of the resolution dell11 March and the information gathered on the preparation of other resolutions hostile to Cuba All this shows once again policy of the two weights and two measures of the EU always sided with U.S. interests and against lautodeterminazione of the people, highlighting the increasingly imperialist and neo-liberal character of this construction of the great European political-economic-financial potentates.

With all MEPs have talked about how, together, we can try to make our solidarity more concrete and effective in support of the Cuban Revolution. The associations have urged the European Parliament to address the economic crisis, the unemployed and precarious workers in Europe rather than the internal situation in Cuba The Italian associations have asked to be heard at a hearing of the committee that deals with democracy in the European Parliament to confront in a non-instrumental and substantive debate on democratic forms of participation in the various countries. . Limpegno was to try to build a growing network of European solidarity with Cuba, and social and institutionally, to show that the peoples of Europe are with Cuba and not the wishes of Washington

Lunic negative note we want to highlight, was the total absence of MEPs Italians who have, again, demonstrated their insensitivity, and setbacks on Cuba and, especially, with the Italian associations and organizations that choose the terrain of the struggle to express their militant solidarity to the people, the government and the Cuban Communist Party.

Organizers and Sponsors: National Association of
Italy-Cuba Friendship
Nuestra America (Member of the Network of Networks in Defense dellUmanità)
Association La Villetta for Cuba


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