BOLOGNA: more resistant in the tent city of tenants
E’ ormai da 6 giorni che esiste una tendopoli davanti al Comune di Bologna
in piazza Liber Paradisus portata avanti da chi ha il problema casa perché
non riesce più a pagare un affitto.
Stiamo parlando di famiglie di lavoratori che per colpa della crisi hanno
perso il lavoro o sono andati in cassa integrazione e sono entrati in
emergenza abitativa.
E’ la condizione di migliaia di famiglie sul territorio bolognese.
Di fronte a tutto questo le amministrazioni sia sul piano comunale che
regionale non stanno intervenendo e la situazione di emergenza cresce ogni
giorno, a causa dell’aumento degli sfratti per morosità.
L’emergenza abitativa must be resolved and should not be treated
it as a matter of public policy nor ignored.
The camp continues and a delegation of tenants is now resistant to front
Regional RAI to report the news blackout that has been
held by major media in recent days.
Companies that close, homelessness, increased social insecurity
have fewer reports of facial tissues, kidney and cocaine. It speaks of the precarious social and
who suffers only in terms of charity. The
censorship was used against the information in pre-election period,
this same complaint today must not be used against those who resist
the crisis, struggling to get a life of dignity and social rights.
Tenants strong solidarity with the struggle of the workers
Fini compressors that are now blocking the gates of the factory
bins. Even before the factory is considering Fini
equip a tent city.
The workers' struggle is the same as tenants resistant:
for the right to work, housing, income!.
To block evictions
For the requisition of vacant houses for public housing
For the protection of the insolvent mortgage first home
Bologna Takes Home
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