Il discorso del presidente cubano, Raúl Castro, nella clausura la domenica dell'IX Congresso dell'Unione di Giovani Comunisti nel Palazzo di Convenzioni di L’’Avana il 4 aprile scorso.
Delegati e invitati,
Il nostro è stato un buon Congresso, infatti, lo stesso ha incominciato nell’ottobre dell’anno scorso con le riunioni libere alle quali hanno partecipato centinaia di migliaia di giovani, poi ha continuato con le assemblee di rendiconto delle organizzazioni di base e dei municipal and provincial committees, where they form with the agreements adopted in this final session.
If something was abundant in more than five years elapsed from the moment Fidel closed the VIII Congress of the Union of Young Communists, on December 5, 2004, it was the work and challenges. This Congress
or held in the middle of one of the cruelest and warped media campaigns against the Cuban Revolution along its 50 years of life, a topic which, inevitably, I will address later.
Even though I could not participate in meetings preconvention are, however, been informed. I know that there has been talk recently of the possibility to center in the problems, looking internally and without using more time than necessary to assess the external factors. This is the style that must mark permanently, the work of the Union of Young Communists, against those who spend their time looking at the speck in foreign rather than devote himself to what he deserves.
E 'was satisfying to listen to young people who work in production with pride and simple words to explain the work they do, just to mention without material difficulties and bureaucratic obstacles that c olpiscono.
Many of the shortcomings discussed are not new, they escorted the organization for a long time, about of them, previous Congresses have adopted the relevant agreements and yet are repeated in greater or lesser extent, which is a demonstration of insufficient systematic and rigorous monitoring of their performance.
Now we need to repeat something over which they insisted fellow Machado and Lazo, who presided over several meetings: the Party is also responsible for any failure of the work of the Union of Young Communists, especially of the problems in policy frameworks.
We must not allow that, once again, the approved documents that are or become a dead letter forgotten in drawers in the manner of memories. They must be the guide to action QUITE ii days at the National Office and individual activists. The substance has now been agreed by you, and now we must work.
Some are very critical when referring to the youth of today and forget that they too were once young. It would be illusory to claim that young people today are like those of other eras, a wise saying goes: men are like most of their time than their parents.
Young Cubans have always been willing to face the challenges and the way they have shown in working to heal the damage caused by hurricanes in the fight against the provocations of the enemy and defense, I could mention many others.
The average age of delegates to the Congress is 28 years, so everyone has lived through the difficult years of the special period and participated in the efforts of our people to preserve the achievements of socialism in the midst of a very complex economic situation.
It 'important that the vanguard of the youth is aware of the economic reality, then, the Commission of the Political Bureau, considering the positive experience of the examination made in this regard by the Deputies of the National Assembly, decided to provide the municipal assemblies of the Union of Young Communists information that describes, crudely, the current situation and prospects in this matter, information was received from over 30 000 young militants, as well as the main party leaders, mass organizations and leaders at different levels.
The economic battle is now more than ever, the main task and the center of the ideological work of the paintings, because it depends on the sustainability and preservation of our social system.

Without a sound economy and vibrant, the elimination of unnecessary costs and waste, you could not go on the elevation of standard of living of the population, nor would it be possible to maintain and refine the high levels achieved in education and health that are free within the reach of all citizens.
Without strong and efficient agriculture, developed with the resources we have, without dreaming big with the appropriations of other times, we can not aspire to support and elevate the power of the population that still depends to a large measure of products that can be manufactured in Cuba
Without that people will need to work to live, protected by government regulation rather paternalistic and irrational, never encourage the love of work, or give solutions to the absence of chronic construction workers , agricultural and industrial workers, teachers, police and other jobs essential to gradually disappear.
Without the conformation of a firm and systematic social rejection to the various manifestations of lawlessness and corruption, not just continue, enriched at the expense of the sweat of the majority, spreading abilities that directly attack the essence of socialism.
If we maintain the organic inflated in almost all areas of the busy national and pay wages that do not correspond with the results, raising the amount of money in circulation, we can not stop thinking that prices continued their ascent, the deteriorating power ' Purchase of the population. We know that there are hundreds of thousands of excess workers in the fields not self-sufficient and entrepreneurial, and some experts estimate that the excess of jobs exceeds the one million people and this and this is a very sensitive issue that we must deal firmly and political sense.
The Revolution will not abandon anyone, will fight for the creation of conditions for all Cubans have worthy purposes, but it is not that the state will take care of each place after several job offers. Most interested in finding a community service should be its citizens.
So, to continue spending in excess of revenue equivalent to eating the future and threaten the survival of the Revolution. We face
reality at all pleasant, but not close our eyes. We believe that we have to break with dogma and assume firmness and confidence in the upgrade, already in motion, our economic model, in order to lay the foundations of irreversibility and the development of Cuban socialism, which we know is the guarantor of and national sovereignty.
I am aware that some classmates to desperate times, wanting immediate changes in various spheres. Of course I am speaking now to those who do not intend to lend the game the enemy. We are aware of the concerns that, in principle, emanate from ignorance of the size of the task we face us, the depth and complexity of the interrelationships between different factors of the operation of the company that will change.
Those who wish to move forward more quickly, the rosary should be aware of issues we are studying, some of which I have mentioned today. We need to stop quickly or for improvisation, trying to find a solution to a problem, it will cause another major. In matters of strategic importance for the life of the nation, we can not go with the emotions and act without the full request. And 'this, as we have already explained, the only reason why we decided to postpone a few months in longer held the Congress Party and the National Conference that precedes it.
This is the greatest and most important challenge we have before us to ensure the continuity of the work during these 50 years, and that our youth has taken responsibility and with total conviction. The slogan of this Congress is "Everything for the Revolution" and that means, above all, strengthen and consolidate the national economy.
The Cuban youth is called to replace the generation that began to lead the Revolution and the great strength of the masses needs a vanguard to persuade and enlist, beginning of the emanating example staff, headed by the leaders still capable and prestigious real leaders, who have passed through the irreplaceable forge the working class, within which are grown the most authentic values \u200b\u200bof a revolutionary. Life has shown us eloquently the danger of violating that principle.
Fidel has made clear in the closing of the Second Congress of the Union of Young Communists, April 4, 1972: and I quote:
"No one will learn to swim on land, and no one will walk on the sea. The environment is the ' man, his life, his work make the man. "He concluded:
" We will learn to respect what creates the work, creating. Taught to respect the property, learn how to create those goods. "
This idea, which was delivered 38 years ago and that certainly has been hailed at that conference, is another clear proof of the issues we decide and then does not appear.
Today more than ever we need capable leadership to carry out effective ideological work, which can not be dialogue of the deaf or mechanical repetition of slogans, sound arguments which display manager, not to take the absolute masters of truth, who know how to listen even if you do not like what some say, with an open mind to assess the criteria of the other, this does not excludes energy and argue with those topics that are unacceptable.
Fostering frank discussion on diversity and not see a problem but the source of the best solutions. The absolute unanimity is usually fictitious and therefore harmful. The contradiction is antagonistic when, as in our case, is driving development. We must remove, with all intention, all that will feed the simulation and opportunism. Learning to deal collegiate opinions, encourage unity and strengthen the collective leadership are traits that should characterize the future leaders of the Revolution.
Young people with the attitude and skills necessary to assume the compiti di direzione esistono lungo il paese. La sfida è di scoprirli, formarli e dargli progressivamente maggiore responsabilità. Le masse si occuperanno di confermare che la scelta è stata corretta.
Abbiamo notato che si continua ad andare avanti in quanto alla composizione etnica e il sesso. E’ una strada in cui non possiamo permetterci regressioni né superficialità e nella quale l'Unione di Giovani Comunisti deve lavorare permanentemente. Già che ci siamo, voglio insistere che è un altro degli accordi che abbiamo adottato, in questo caso 35 anni fa in occasione del Primo Congresso del Partito, e la cui realizzazione è stata trasferita dopo alla generazione spontanea e non abbiamo controllato opportunamente, essendo This is one of the first pronouncements of Fidel often, by the triumph of the Revolution.
As I said earlier, the seal of this Congress comes together with a huge campaign to discredit Cuba, organized, directed and financed from the centers of imperial power in the United States and Europe, making use of flags of human rights hypocritically.
has cynically and shamelessly manipulated the death of a person sentenced to deprivation of liberty for ordinary crimes in 14 cases, become the work of lies repeated and the desire to receive financial support from abroad, a "political dissident", which was encouraged to maintain a hunger strike with absurd questions.
Malgrado gli sforzi dei nostri medici è deceduto, ciò che deploriamo al suo momento e denunciamo ai soli benefiziari di questo fatto, gli stessi che oggi incoraggiano ad altro individuo a continuare in attitudine simile di ricatto inaccettabile. Questo ultimo, nonostante tanta calunnia, non è in prigione, è una persona rimessa in libertà dopo avere scontato una pena per delitti comuni, particolarmente per aggredire e lesionare una donna, medico e direttrice di un ospedale, alla quale ha anche minacciato di morte, e successivamente ad un’anziana di circa 70 anni, alla quale si è dovuto rimuovere la milza. Così come nel caso precedente, si sta facendo il meglio per salvarle la vita, però se non cambia la his self-destructive attitude, be responsible, together with his supporters at the end that not even want.
It sucks the double standard of those in Europe who are complicit silence in the face of torture in the so-called war against terrorism, which enabled the clandestine CIA flights that transferred prisoners, and even lent their territory for the creation of secret prisons.
What would they say if you like them, had violated ethical standards for strength and power to these people, as is usually among the numerous torture centers, at the Guantanamo Naval Base. By the way, are the same in their countries, as does watching TV almost every day, you are Police on horseback to oppose the protesters, sticks and tear gas and even despairing of bullets. What can we say the mistreatment and humiliation suffered by migrants?
The vast western press attacks not only in Cuba but also inaugurated a new mode of relentless media terror against political leaders, intellectuals, artists and other personalities around the globe raise their voices against the fallacy and hypocrisy fainting and simply evaluate objectively.
Meanwhile, it appears that the spokesman of the glorified press freedom have forgotten that the commercial and economic blockade against Cuba and all its inhuman effects on our people, es'inaspriscono are in force, that the current U.S. administration has not stopped in any way the support for the subversion, the unjust, discriminatory and interventionist EU common position, supported by the U.S. government in its time and the extreme English right, left foot in demanding a regime change in our country, or even the destruction of the Revolution.
More than half a century of the ongoing struggle has taught our people that the wobble is synonymous with defeat.
never give in to blackmail from any country or group of nations even if they are powerful, at any cost. We have the right to defend ourselves. If what they want è metterci alle strette, devono sapere che supremo rifugiarci, in primo luogo nella verità e nei principi. Ancora una volta saremo fermi, calmi e pazienti. Ci sono molti gli esempi nella nostra storia!
Così hanno lottato i nostri eroici mambi nelle guerre per l’indipendenza del secolo XIX.
Così abbattemmo l’ultima offensiva di dieci mila soldati della tirannia solidamente armati, fronteggiati inizialmente da appena 200 combattenti ribelle che capeggiati direttamente dal Comandante in Capo Fidel Castro Ruz, durante 75 giorni, dal 24 maggio al 6 agosto 1958, hanno portato avanti più di 100 azioni di combattimento, comprese quattro battaglie in un piccolo territorio di 650 -700 km2, cioè, una area less than that which occupies the city of Havana. This operation has largely decided the course of the war and takes about four months after the triumph of the Revolution, what motivated the Commander Ernesto Che Guevara wrote in his war diary, and I quote: "The army of Batista came out with the spine broken by this latest offensive in the Sierra Maestra. " End of quote.
There intimidated even the Yankee fleet off the coast of Bay of Pigs in 1961. Under their noses they destroyed the mercenary army, what has constituted the first defeat of the U.S. military adventure in this continent.
So we did again in 1962 during the Missile Crisis. Not even a millimeter cediammo in the face of threats of a brutal enemy that episode with its nuclear weapons and was preparing to invade the island, has no even if we did, negotiated behind us the conditions to solve the crisis, the executive Soviet Union's main ally in this difficult situation and whose support depended on the fate of the Revolution, in a respectful way they tried to convince us to accept the inspection of the home soil of the collection of their nuclear weapons and we answered that to do so, would be on board their ships in international waters, but never in Cuba
We are confident that the worst circumstances those unlikely to be repeated.
More recently, the Cuban people gave a memorable proof of its capacity of resistance and self-confidence when, as a result of the disappearance of the socialist bloc and the disintegration of the Soviet Union, Cuba has suffered the loss of your Product GDP in the 35% reduction in 85% of foreign trade, loss of markets for their main exports, such as sugar, nickel, citrus fruits and others, whose prices have fallen by half, the magazine claims in terms favorable with the consequential disruption of several vital investment as the first nuclear power plant and the Cienfuegos refinery, the collapse of the transport, construction and agriculture in suppressing a sudden supply of spare parts and techniques, fertilizers, feed and raw materials industries, leading to the criminalization of hundreds of factories and the sharp deterioration in quality and quantity of the power of our people below the recommended nutrition. We have all suffered from those hot summers of the 90s of last century, coming off electricity to more than 12 hours a day because of lack of fuel to generate electricity, and in the meantime, dozens of Western news agencies, some of them not conceal their joy, sent correspondents to Cuba with the intention of being the first to inform the final defeat of the Revolution.
In the midst of this tragic situation, no one was abandoned to its fate and it showed the power that emanated from the unity of the people, when they defend the right ideas and a work constructed with great sacrifice. Only a socialist regime, despite its shortcomings, is able to pass a similar test. There
removed, then, the dream, the current offensive skirmishes of the international response, coordinated as usual by those who are not resigned to understand that this country will never be subjected to no way, prefer to disappear, so that proves it in 1962.
Only 142 years ago, October 10, 1868, started this revolution, then struggled against a decadent European colonialism, always under the boycott of the new U.S. imperialism did not want our independence, until the "ripe fruit" fell from the "geographical gravity" in his hands. It occurred after more than 30 years of war and enormous sacrifices by the Cuban people.
Now the actors have changed their roles. For more than half a century ago there attacks and siege continues the now modern and powerful empire on the planet, taking advantage of the boycott that involves insulting the Common Position, which remains unchanged due to pressure from some countries and reactionary political forces European Union with several unacceptable conditions.
We wonder why? and we believe that simply because in essence, the actors are always the same and did not relinquish their old aspirations of domination.
The young Cuban revolutionaries understand perfectly well that to preserve the Revolution and Socialism and continue free and decent, they still have many years of struggle and sacrifice.
At the same time, humanity still weigh enormous challenges they face, primarily young people. It is defending the survival of the human species, the threatened danger that climate change accelerated by the irrational patterns of production and consumption generated by capitalism.
Today we are seven billion inhabitants of the planet. Half of them are poor, a billion and twenty million starving. It should ask what will happen in 2050, when the world population is equal to nine billion, and are even more deteriorated the conditions of existence on Earth.
The farce in which he finished the last vertex to the capital of Denmark, in December, is a demonstration that capitalism with its blind laws of the market will never solve this or many other problems. Only the consciousness and the mobilization of peoples, the political will of governments and the advancement of scientific and technological knowledge will prevent the extinction of man.
Finally I want to say that in April of next year we will celebrate fifty years of the proclamation of the socialist nature of the Revolution and the victory on the invasion at the Bay of Pigs. We will celebrate this transcendental event in all corners of the country, from Baracoa, where they tried to land a battalion to the western capital of the nation and we will do a great brand and a popular magazine military activities in which main characters will be workers, intellectuals and young people.
Before long, the first of May, our revolutionary people across the country, streets and public squares that belong to him by law, will give another answer crucial to this new rise in attacks.
Cuba is not afraid of lies or kneels in front of pressure, pressure or taxation, no matter where they come from, he defends the truth, which always, sooner or later, is essential.
Forty years ago, a day like today, was created the Union of Young Communists. That historic April 4, 1962 Fidel said: "To believe is to see young people in them, in addition to the enthusiasm, skills, besides energy, responsibility, in addition to youth, purity, heroism, character, determination, love of country, belief in the fatherland !, love the Revolution, faith in the Revolution, self-confidence!, conviction deep that the youth may, that youth is capable of, the profound conviction that on the shoulders of the youth may be deposited great tasks, "he said.
Yesterday was so, so it is today and will in the future.
Thank you.
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