Thursday, January 27, 2011

Maxine The Cartoon Character Interview


Lezione di tecniche di vendita a una classe di un istituto commerciale. Avevo una seconda, che di solito implica un'età che si aggira intorno ai quindici anni, e invece in quell'istituto la media per le seconde si alza a diciassette. Qualcuno arriva a scuola in macchina (nel senso che la guida). Quando chiedo ai ragazzi la motivazione che li ha spinti a iscriversi a quella scuola, la risposta corale è: "Perché è la più facile". Sarà, ma questi qui fanno lezione fino alle cinque del pomeriggio. Hanno rientri pomeridiani praticamente ogni giorno. Sono sempre stravolti. Mi domando dove stia tutta sta godsend. I mean, am I that I enjoyed at the grammar school, where I finished at noon three days a week and the other at one. Okay then I had to study at home, but at least I had all afternoon.
anyway. I try to set the lesson so that I can follow them all. So speak as if addressing me in my four year old son. And yet, there is someone who falls behind. Usually those with the car, probably because they think when they do the review. A girl in the middle of the explanation, he raises a hand to be the decisive word. M'illumino of immense. I will happen twice in my (thankfully) infrequent life teacher to answer questions di studenti particolarmente attenti.
"Prof, posso andare in bagno?"
Ecco. Sono la solita ingenua.
"Speravo avessi qualcosa di più intelligente da chiedermi".
"No - ride - no, no".
Improvvisamente comprendo tante cose. Comprendo tutte le facce che ho visto nella sala insegnanti, quei tic nervosi dei docenti di ruolo, che magari sono vent'anni che insegnano in quella scuola. Comprendo la vicepreside che urla la sua frustrazione agli altri professori. Comprendo il bidello che rincorre gli studenti con la ramazza. E quindi, in definitiva, comprendo anche tutta la situazione italiana.
Proseguo imperterrita con esempi, casi pratici, citazioni da film di serie B, e alla fine, arrivata al capitolo "cliente", chiedo:
"Qualcuno mi sa fare un esempio di stereotipo di un professionista, mettiamo di quarant'anni, maschio?"
Silenzio. Ma non di quei silenzi carichi di tensione, come quando la professoressa d'italiano chiedeva a quale verso della Divina Commedia siamo arrivati.  È un silenzio sereno. Indifferente direi.
"Sapete cos'è uno stereotipo vero?"
Un'altra ragazza alza la mano. Stavolta I do not care. "Go."
"So stereotype means ..." And I begin to explain. As if that would do the trick.
type After half an hour, between exits the bathroom, dissertations terminology and variations on the theme, back to my original question: the stereotype of the professional male of forty years.
The boys are ready now. Reagents. They put away the cell phones. Are present and begin to respond in detail.
"She dresses in a suit and tie."
"She drives a Mercedes or a BMW, o un'Audi".
"Va in vacanza ai Caraibi".
Il bullo della situazione dice la sua: " È stronzo".
Una ragazza, con sguardo malizioso risponde: "Ha un sacco di donne. Oppure è sposato e ha l'amante".
Raccolgo la sfida e rilancio: "E se invece si tratta di una professionista donna?"
Unanimi, e quasi stupiti dall'idiozia della mia domanda, mi rispondono tutti: " È uguale!"
And I suddenly feel I love them.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Elite 1500 Laser Rangefinder

The spot of discrimination

The Dutch have just launched a campaign against discrimination. One TV spot, and its forms printed invite to report that we have witnessed or experienced discrimination. The concept is: "You are forced to hide your true self to be accepted?" The spot is very explicit: in the order we see a Muslim woman leaves the house, a black boy who wants to date a white girl, two lesbians who are married, a woman police officer struggling with a national rage, an elderly couple that come into the office, another black man waiting for a taxi and then a young man with Down syndrome who returns home. All these people are hiding behind the image of what the company should have been. Watch it.

Of course I was immediately struck by the case of discrimination against women. For some reason, the man who was chosen to impersonate a citizen who rails against the cop is black and probably extra. From the way you dress seems just landed from an African country. Looks like a seller di tappeti. E mi domando come mai i creativi dell'agenzia che ha realizzato questo spot abbiano fatto questa scelta. Voglio dire, non poteva andare bene un cittadino qualunque, vestito banalmente in jeans e maglietta? Evidentemente no. Evidentemente la scena sarebbe stata giudicata di poco impatto. Vedere un uomo qualunque che si concede la libertà di inveire contro una poliziotta perché meno autorevole dei suoi colleghi maschi, non sarebbe stato, in Olanda, molto rappresentativo. Forse lì i cittadini non si sognano di fare differenze tra uomini e donne sui posti di lavoro? Forse rimane solo un problema legato ad altre culture, diverse dalla loro? O forse non volevano calcare troppo la mano. Chissà.
Certo è che se questo spot venisse aired in Italy, it would take an adjustment.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Large Amount Of Renal Cysts

preload escort

Today I feel a kind of media pressure. I see post on facebook, read anathemas on other blogs, I browse the pages of newspapers full of articles on moral drift. And I'm here, writing about the various amenities. On men and women who strive to live in peace, small daily events that we spoil the day, children, cartoons, trains and supermarkets. I feel inadequate. Someone also asked: "But do not write anything about Berlusconi?"
And what could I write that has not already been said or written? But most of all: how to preserve intact my irony and lightness? As Usual the will to live?
To tell the truth are not much shocked by recent events. In short, I would not say the usual sentence opinionated (but always gives so much satisfaction): "I told you so." Yes, because the fact that in Italy we are fearfully back with equal opportunities, the fact that you can not move with strollers, the fact that you can not change a kid in a bar or restaurant, the fact that fathers do not have five months of compulsory leave of paternity, the fact that people look at me wrong with a kitchen Ikea gift to my son, in the end, all these facts lead to this result. And what is this? That a man of power over seventy possa intrattenersi con delle giovani donne (che ne ricavano lauti compensi), senza perdere il gradimento nei sondaggi. Perché in fondo è un maschio e gli piacciono le femmine. Che ci può fare? Anzi, cosa sarà mai tutto questo clamore attorno al mito del fascino latino? Sì, vabbè, magari avrà commesso qualche leggerezza, perché in fondo, il maschio latino è sempre un po' ingenuo. E anche molto creativo e fantasioso. Per quello gli è scappato di far passare una ragazza marocchina per la nipote di Mubarak. Se gli italiani non fossero fantasiosi, non potremmo avere un'intera economia basata sull'export del made in Italy. Di giustificazioni se ne possono trovare mille. E sono tutte dettate dalla nostra cultura. La stessa then, in the research tells us that over 70% of women after work, perform household chores, cooking and ironing, while men do not. The same culture that is cool to hold an event on cars and stuff half-naked girls. Possibly lay on the hoods of those cars. For example. In short, everything I've written so far on this blog, leads to the conclusion that we see today in all the news (including that of Minzolini, which rightly is not exempted from the law of gossip), and we read everywhere, online and offline.
And what about Ruby and the others? I wrote a comment on the blog of Stephanie : I was struck by a conversation intercepted by these girls. He was talking with Minetti, former Premier of the dental hygienist, now the Lombardy Regional Council, and complained of his precarious situation. She said he was weary of waiting, that she could not risk of finding themselves with nothing and be forced to look for work from 1000 € per month as all his peers. No, the prospect terrified her. He wanted a real advantage by Berlusconi. He wanted to settle down, in fact. This particular matter, this surreal conversation, made me laugh. It also made me think. Why did you think of how many sacrifices to get where you are now, every year on the books, the questions at school, university exams, and then for job interviews (and especially the answers to sending your curriculum: "We regret to inform you that ..."), the unpaid internship, the project contracts without leave, without disease, but with" duty "time fixed (at least ten hours), wages paid little, paid late, unpaid, to their male colleagues who went on the other hand, the leaders who winked and you never responded. Here, think about all this and then think of Ruby, just eighteen years old, but also to Patrick D'Addario, Minetti or herself, or even to your former colleague who gets a promotion because he has given to his boss, or All women who barter it to go forward, to make a career for arrivare dove voi non arriverete mai. Che effetto vi fa? A me un'invidia pazzesca, giuro. Nei momenti di stanchezza mi ritrovo a pensare: "Se solo avessi due gambe come quelle di Ruby, i suoi capelli. Chissà dove sarei adesso. Siccome sono anche abbastanza stronza, sicuramente molto in alto." Ma poi leggo quell'intercettazione sulla precarietà e mi ravvedo. Ormai l'offerta ha superato la domanda. La "via più facile" non è più tanto facile. È diventata stretta quella via, e piena di concorrenti agguerritissime. Tipo il concorso di Miss Italia, o il casting per scegliere due veline su 500.000 candidate. Lele Mora non ha più spazio nella sua agenda ormai. Pensate che sfiga: oggi una donna non può più nemmeno prostitution in peace to get what you think, because the system is so saturated with these mechanisms, the woman is likely to remain unemployed and also with the real risk of having to send your CV to agencies. Only in very few make it, for all other our fate is the same: the insecurity, uncertainty, the uncertainty of the future. But at least, I console myself, I will not have to give it to a septuagenarian. That is no small thing.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Lace Tank Tops Brampton


is the third time that I receive from you by e-mail this story. To this day, I think the case of advertising, such as hostility nice week. Sure, especially compared to last post "The ideal man " seems a bit 'stereotypical and perhaps more suitable to describe the situation of certain older generation. But sobering sull'atavico the same sense of duty, responsibility, sacrifice and the all women who have.
The story is based on the book by Ann Crittenden "If you've raised kids, you can manage anything".

Mom and Dad are watching TV when Mom says: "I'm tired, I go to bed." He gets up and goes into the kitchen to stir the sauce, pull out the meat from the freezer for dinner tomorrow and apparatus for breakfast. Then load la lavatrice da far partire l’indomani, riattacca un bottone caduto. Passando nel corridoio raccoglie un paio di giocattoli e riporta al suo posto l’agenda telefonica. Qui trova il diario del figlio, con una nota della maestra alle quale scrive una risposta. Già che c’è butta giù la nota spese per il droghiere. Giunta in bagno si pulisce il viso con la lozione “3 in uno” e si lava i denti. Indossa il pigiama e controlla che la porta sia chiusa a 4 mandate. Nel frattempo Papà dall’altra stanza annuncia: “Sono stanco, vado a letto”. E ci va.

Well, when I say that the generations are evolving, I also think to myself that when I'm on the couch to watch TV, I fall asleep directly.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Split Shin Injury Effects

The ideal man

spot in an old Alfa Romeo, where the machine is completely ice-skating a Venice, it was said that the most difficult conditions that can give its best. Today I find myself remembering the advertising (for training or professional bias, you see), combined with a contemporary fact very positive. Meanwhile, I state that this post is a pretty revolutionary than the others. It is a good place, which looks at all the good things that surround us, that feeds on the hopes and above all he sees men who work with women to build family balance upright on equality and division of duties and responsibilities. Well, now I think of all the men around me. To those young people like me (do not laugh). I see them cooking for example. Many are also good. I mean, not that you only cook a pasta with a sauce ready, but we make the commitment. A few weeks ago, has made a cr ê pes , for example, also demonstrated some ability to turn them without breaking them (which was taken by the wife, the first reduction in an omelette). They are generally very tidy. I hear stories friends of the exasperated because the comrades beset on cleaning the kitchen, that they, men, glazed with great meticulousness, unlike women, apparently more superficial. Many men go to the grocery store and came home with things that were on the list. Nothing more and nothing less. The only exception is my brother in law, that once I asked him to buy two cucumbers, zucchini is back with two. But we were still young, carefree and without a family. Let's give him the benefit of the doubt. I have seen male friends who spent the rag on the table, after drinking the tea, so, absently, as if it were a natural act now. The same people who just came home they take off their scarpe, le ripongono nella scarpiera e si mettono le pantofole. Insomma, ho visto cose che voi umani non potreste immaginarvi. Non tutti questi uomini provengono da famiglie in cui la madre è morta quando avevano due anni. Anzi, molti di loro continuano ad avere un forte legame con la loro genitrice, che molto spesso, appartenendo ad un'altra generazione, ha una concezione diversa dei ruoli maschili e femminili. Eppure loro sono diversi. Cos'è? Che malattia hanno contratto? Nessuna malattia. Come l'Alfa Romeo dello spot, e come milioni di anni di evoluzione umana, hanno imparato ad adattarsi alle situazioni più difficili. E da quelle più estreme ne sono usciti più forti e indipendenti. Sono degli uomini migliori. E quali sono queste situazioni difficult? Well, for example, to live alone outside the home without afford it. My generation was born precarious and often coexist peacefully enough (or perhaps just resignation), but does not give up this freedom. So, belated than their Anglo-Saxon, these men at some point leave the house and not necessarily to marry. Maybe they are single too. It can be found, alone, to face life with all its tasks. Then, the first week eat only pizza and Chinese takeaway. The second dare to buy a supermarket cold cuts and sandwiches. The third find the dough. The fourth meat. The fifth experiment with the combination of pasta and meat, and so comes the sauce. In parallel, the shopping cart begins to fill even products as "detergent", "floor cleaner", "the abrasive sponge," "the duster." And so, their lives suddenly become dignified. Some, more fortunate, has even made the university away from home, already twenty years learning what it means to look after himself. But I do not dwell too much on this category. If nothing else, because I remember a particularly brilliant in terms of hygiene of the apartments of male students that I attended in the past. It takes a short time.
Of course, now I'll be telling you about all the men who know che portano le camicie a stirare dalla mamma, che si fanno preparare le monoporzioni di lasagne da surgelare, che non hanno mai passato l'aspirapolvere. È vero, esistono. Ma come in una sorta di selezione naturale, questi uomini si accoppieranno con donne predisposte al martirio. E felici di esserlo. Per tutte le altre donne, quelle con un istinto di sopravvivenza più elevato, ci saranno invece uomini temprati dalla vita domestica. Pronti. Autonomi. Uomini che non vogliono essere accuditi come dei bambini di quattro anni. Uomini già predisposti al concetto di parità e per questo, anche più rispettosi nei confronti dell'altra. Ecco, di molti di questi uomini io sono amica, e ne sono orgogliosa. E soprattutto, mantengono in vita my hope for a better world.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Toronto Driving Without Licence


Several times I have focused on aging (my). Not that this is an obsession, for heaven's sake, but in short, when your child begins to ask when you go to heaven with angels, you start to really think about it. And then, since I turned 35 years old, in my inbox, no one knows how, has begun to dawn on classic spam, a newsletter disturbing. To Federanziani (can not remember if I had already told you, here, see? Are already early signs of AD). Obviously the trash without even opening it immediately, such as e-mail about Viagra. Today, however, not content, wanted to do more, and they sent me another newsletter, also sponsored by Federanziani, called Children and Family Magazine. In other words: we're old, but we love the children. I succumbed to the insistence and I read the first news. Sweetener killer, carcinogenic effects of smoking, Sting, telephone bills, food adulterated. So, where are the children in the midst of all these tragedies? Here comes the bottom of the page and find the answer: Boom of frozen eggs. The over 35 postpone motherhood. Fortunately, at least two eggs I put them to good use and now weigh respectively 20 and a further 13 pounds, otherwise I do not know how I would react to the article. Maybe we talk about it in the next post. Meanwhile, I wanted right next to discuss the news: Paternity mandatory? Women like.
Here. Since I have seen very lively and thoughtful comments in the post " The new family plan (English, of course) " I wanted to deepen the discussion. Then, the article says, in essence, "bla bla bla, bla bla bla" and "bla bla bla." The data is rather this: "According to a poll conducted by women's magazine Elle, 74% of women would welcome the change." Very superficially takes this by saying that it would be the case to be made mandatory paternity leave and that the time is ripe, and abroad are ahead of us and that companies bla bla blah, blah blah blah. It's stronger than me: I can not focus on other attributes of the article, because the fact that 74% of women are in favor of this change struck me as a stroke (which in fact given the age and the lifestyle that I lead, it may well be). Meanwhile, guess who had the idea of \u200b\u200basking women if they are for or against paternity leave. I mean, but you did a survey of men instead? Oh well it was Elle, which is a magazine for women, maybe you should do those of Men's Health, if they were not so busy on the Decalogue of the Perfect Latin lover. However, I would have taken for granted that women would been favorable to this change. And I'd be wrong. In the end, those of Elle had reason to do a survey, because the result shows that not everything goes smoothly. 74% in favor of women also means 26% of women or that otherwise have no opinion on the matter. On large numbers, I'd say there are 260 women in 1000, 2,600,000 to 10,000,000 women in Italy who does not like or would like to know if the men took care of their children as mothers do today. Two million six hundred thousand women. What then, if we refine the sample on a national scale, 26% of the Italian female population counts for the Istat, 29,044,615 members. 26% are about 7,551,599 women. This is significant given the newsletter promoted by Federanziani: that more than seven million women in Italy do not have the slightest intention of sharing the care of children with legitimate fathers. What if they are to work well these men who are not able to do much more. That they continue to deal with their affairs, such as washing machine, change the bulbs and then the plasma. And then if they stay at home as well, who's who runs the cabin? Farewell and goodbye holidays in the village Valtour manicure and styling. It still has never seen a man has to change a diaper. Who knows, maybe these women have tried to imagine the scene: they come home tired from work, with a hungry black, open the door and found her husband on the couch playing with the playstation and the child chews the controller cord. Nothing could be ready to eat. Only crumbs everywhere, dirty dishes and empty fridge. "What have you done today?"
"No, we went for a walk in the park. It's nice, you know there are a lot of young mothers with children. By the way, I think the baby this morning at the park has done a poo."
Well, in some cases it might be. But frankly I think a thought and some stereotypical views as "comfortable" to do. In reality, this poll is clear that women are not really that ready to share in the domestic life and parenthood with their peers. For lack of trust, jealousy of the children, and a sense omnipotence. Who knows. One thing is for sure though, if we are far behind in Italy on social policies and equal opportunities, responsibilities we have a good women, too. Exactly 7,551,599.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Hooking Xbox 360 Up To Upconverting Receiver

contrary to the new family plan (English, of course) As we were

Let me tell you a story that you probably will not ever heard (and the rest of it myself), the chronicles of international politics. Yet it is an important story that is worth much more than a thousand articles.
The British Prime Minister David Cameron, Conservative (I want to say), last August had a daughter Florence Rose Endellion. To mark the happy event, the Prime Minister announced its intention to take the two weeks required by law to be with his newborn. And he did. So much so that in September when the Pope arrived in London, he did not show up. Probably because he was changing a diaper, or taking a walk in a park with the baby in the carrier, or singing a nursery rhyme.
course, the fact that in England the fathers can take two weeks paid parental leave, is not very comforting. I mean, you learn just two weeks to figure out which side buttoning the body. And then still remain the mothers to care for the babies for months, home from work. In each case two weeks are better than nothing, and above all, history tells us that it is not an employee of the Post Office to be left Busto Arsizio home, but British Prime Minister. Can you imagine in Italy, Silvio Berlusconi not only, but any Prime Minister of the Republic, announcing: "Sorry, but I for the next two weeks there are because I have to be with my newborn daughter. No, I do not give nothing if the Pope, and there are enough "?
I know it's difficult to make an effort to imagine such a scene. Also because the Italian political class, given the age, it is more likely to have grandchildren and great-grandchildren rather than children. However I do not think that in case of paternity, an Italian Prime Minister drop everything for two weeks to stay at home with his wife and son. If someone asked him, would answer con le solite frasi di rito: e l'impegno istituzionale, e le responsabilità verso il Paese, e abbiamo due tate a disposizione, etc.
A seguito di tutto ciò, la notizia che oggi ci dà il Corriere è che in Inghilterra, da aprile, entrerà in vigore il nuovo "piano famiglia", che prevede che saranno le famiglie a valutare "se spetterà alla donna o all'uomo chiedere la licenza o di maternità o di paternità per un periodo massimo di dieci mesi. I neo-padri avranno così la possibilità di affiancarsi alle mogli nel primo periodo post parto poi di ottenere l'estensione del permesso nel caso in cui la mamma opti per il rientro in ufficio". Ovviamente questa idea alle imprese non piace. E te credo: come fare adesso a discriminare sulle nuove assunzioni in azienda? I selezionatori dovranno chiedere anche agli uomini se hanno intenzione di avere figli? Improvvisamente non avrà più senso avere tutta una fascia di manager e dirigenti per la maggior parte maschi? Eh già. In Inghilterra, da aprile in poi, anche il mondo del lavoro dovrà mettere in atto dei cambiamenti, o meglio, delle aperture al lavoro femminile. Quasi quasi mi verrebbe da chiamarlo progresso. Ma non oso. Mi limito a riflettere sul fatto che in quei quindici giorni che il Primo Ministro inglese ha scelto di occuparsi della sua paternità, la politica e l'economia del Paese non sembrano averne risentito. Ne avrà risentito invece la figlia, che, appena nata, ha you could well understand the concept of "parents" instead of that of "mother".

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

What Are Sleeper Earrings?

do not know why I post this documentary of the seventies. But I was tenderness. Too bad the tragic outcome. Then, say what you want.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Chicken Water To Drink

Miss Italy becomes buttery

see that when I say that everything seems to go well, then at the end there is always something that escapes you? I mean, you read that the Miss Italy contest open to size 44? Here is the news .
Wow, I say. A coup against the whole of anorexia is fashionable che ha falciato un'intera generazione di modelle (e ha fatto sentire inadeguata la restante popolazione femminile). Ma non basta. Negli anni il concorso ha aperto anche a donne sposate e con figli, e da questa edizione saranno bandite le minorenni. Leggo con vivo interesse le parole dell'organizzatrice, Patrizia Mirigliani, che ci conforta dicendo: "Oggi più che mai si impone il tipo di donna burrosa, completa, intelligente e autonoma, consapevole dei momenti duri della vita che ci aspettano". Mi piace. "Donna burrosa" mi fa simpatia. Magari anche con un po' di pan grattato sopra. L'articolo ci ricorda che lo storico patron di Miss Italia, diceva sempre: "Chi vince il concorso non deve essere un monstrum di bellezza, una silhouette irraggiungibile, a ghost or even erotic aesthetic. If anything should look like the girl next door, a real woman, she certainly attractive and desirable, but delivered a healthy sense of normality and everyday life. "And here I wake from my irrational optimism and I think this ideal woman, attractive and desirable that could be your neighbor. Like, if you run out of eggs, knock on his door and you find the front. Beautiful, with its fleece robe and slippers shaped like a bunny. And then what do you do? Well, we have a whole literature of the porn that we recommend it. Moreover, this neighbor who has just won Miss Italy who will do in life? The university researcher? No, because otherwise it would be abroad. Will continue to do your neighbor across? I think not. This girl simply and without shackles on my mind, enter the contest in order not to be your neighbor. To sign a contract with the Rai and assist the host of Domenica In O Rocchetta water run a few commercials. Or take part in some drama on the life of the Capuchin friars. After you buy an apartment in downtown Milan or Rome and I salute you. You'll get new neighbors, a family of Chinese Cooking tofu from morning to evening, and finally you will always remember to buy eggs. Here is the story of Miss Italy. This is the meaning of the event: find the next chick that "sells". A television program, a detergent, a machine. Indifferent. The statements of Mirigliani father and daughter are full of ethics, values \u200b\u200band good feelings, but in the end the contest remains the one that was for centuries: a parade of young women (as the opening to the forties?) Dreaming a life very different from the one they had before. The famous "woman buttery, comprehensive, intelligent and autonomous," just because it is "aware of the hard moments of life that lie ahead", he chooses to take another route. Of course it all the Miss Italy in the fifties to today, there have been some who have worked hard, who are committed and they had a real talent to stay in show business and build a career. I think of Sophia Loren, for example, which had not won. All other numbers, however, did, helping to fill the industry image that haunts us today with the usual messages of asses-tits from which we can not just come out. Laudable initiatives of the competition. Bravi. Now, perhaps, on billboards to sell an air conditioner or a herbicide will always find a naked woman. But buttery.