Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Elite 1500 Laser Rangefinder

The spot of discrimination

The Dutch have just launched a campaign against discrimination. One TV spot, and its forms printed invite to report that we have witnessed or experienced discrimination. The concept is: "You are forced to hide your true self to be accepted?" The spot is very explicit: in the order we see a Muslim woman leaves the house, a black boy who wants to date a white girl, two lesbians who are married, a woman police officer struggling with a national rage, an elderly couple that come into the office, another black man waiting for a taxi and then a young man with Down syndrome who returns home. All these people are hiding behind the image of what the company should have been. Watch it.

Of course I was immediately struck by the case of discrimination against women. For some reason, the man who was chosen to impersonate a citizen who rails against the cop is black and probably extra. From the way you dress seems just landed from an African country. Looks like a seller di tappeti. E mi domando come mai i creativi dell'agenzia che ha realizzato questo spot abbiano fatto questa scelta. Voglio dire, non poteva andare bene un cittadino qualunque, vestito banalmente in jeans e maglietta? Evidentemente no. Evidentemente la scena sarebbe stata giudicata di poco impatto. Vedere un uomo qualunque che si concede la libertà di inveire contro una poliziotta perché meno autorevole dei suoi colleghi maschi, non sarebbe stato, in Olanda, molto rappresentativo. Forse lì i cittadini non si sognano di fare differenze tra uomini e donne sui posti di lavoro? Forse rimane solo un problema legato ad altre culture, diverse dalla loro? O forse non volevano calcare troppo la mano. Chissà.
Certo è che se questo spot venisse aired in Italy, it would take an adjustment.


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