Today I feel a kind of media pressure. I see post on facebook, read anathemas on other blogs, I browse the pages of newspapers full of articles on moral drift. And I'm here, writing about the various amenities. On men and women who strive to live in peace, small daily events that we spoil the day, children, cartoons, trains and supermarkets. I feel inadequate. Someone also asked: "But do not write anything about Berlusconi?"
And what could I write that has not already been said or written? But most of all: how to preserve intact my irony and lightness? As Usual the will to live?
To tell the truth are not much shocked by recent events. In short, I would not say the usual sentence opinionated (but always gives so much satisfaction): "I told you so." Yes, because the fact that in Italy we are fearfully back with equal opportunities, the fact that you can not move with strollers, the fact that you can not change a kid in a bar or restaurant, the fact that fathers do not have five months of compulsory leave of paternity, the fact that people look at me wrong with a kitchen Ikea gift to my son, in the end, all these facts lead to this result. And what is this? That a man of power over seventy possa intrattenersi con delle giovani donne (che ne ricavano lauti compensi), senza perdere il gradimento nei sondaggi. Perché in fondo è un maschio e gli piacciono le femmine. Che ci può fare? Anzi, cosa sarà mai tutto questo clamore attorno al mito del fascino latino? Sì, vabbè, magari avrà commesso qualche leggerezza, perché in fondo, il maschio latino è sempre un po' ingenuo. E anche molto creativo e fantasioso. Per quello gli è scappato di far passare una ragazza marocchina per la nipote di Mubarak. Se gli italiani non fossero fantasiosi, non potremmo avere un'intera economia basata sull'export del made in Italy. Di giustificazioni se ne possono trovare mille. E sono tutte dettate dalla nostra cultura. La stessa then, in the research tells us that over 70% of women after work, perform household chores, cooking and ironing, while men do not. The same culture that is cool to hold an event on cars and stuff half-naked girls. Possibly lay on the hoods of those cars. For example. In short, everything I've written so far on this blog, leads to the conclusion that we see today in all the news (including that of Minzolini, which rightly is not exempted from the law of gossip), and we read everywhere, online and offline.
And what about Ruby and the others? I wrote a comment on the blog of Stephanie : I was struck by a conversation intercepted by these girls. He was talking with Minetti, former Premier of the dental hygienist, now the Lombardy Regional Council, and complained of his precarious situation. She said he was weary of waiting, that she could not risk of finding themselves with nothing and be forced to look for work from 1000 € per month as all his peers. No, the prospect terrified her. He wanted a real advantage by Berlusconi. He wanted to settle down, in fact. This particular matter, this surreal conversation, made me laugh. It also made me think. Why did you think of how many sacrifices to get where you are now, every year on the books, the questions at school, university exams, and then for job interviews (and especially the answers to sending your curriculum: "We regret to inform you that ..."), the unpaid internship, the project contracts without leave, without disease, but with" duty "time fixed (at least ten hours), wages paid little, paid late, unpaid, to their male colleagues who went on the other hand, the leaders who winked and you never responded. Here, think about all this and then think of Ruby, just eighteen years old, but also to Patrick D'Addario, Minetti or herself, or even to your former colleague who gets a promotion because he has given to his boss, or All women who barter it to go forward, to make a career for arrivare dove voi non arriverete mai. Che effetto vi fa? A me un'invidia pazzesca, giuro. Nei momenti di stanchezza mi ritrovo a pensare: "Se solo avessi due gambe come quelle di Ruby, i suoi capelli. Chissà dove sarei adesso. Siccome sono anche abbastanza stronza, sicuramente molto in alto." Ma poi leggo quell'intercettazione sulla precarietà e mi ravvedo. Ormai l'offerta ha superato la domanda. La "via più facile" non è più tanto facile. È diventata stretta quella via, e piena di concorrenti agguerritissime. Tipo il concorso di Miss Italia, o il casting per scegliere due veline su 500.000 candidate. Lele Mora non ha più spazio nella sua agenda ormai. Pensate che sfiga: oggi una donna non può più nemmeno prostitution in peace to get what you think, because the system is so saturated with these mechanisms, the woman is likely to remain unemployed and also with the real risk of having to send your CV to agencies. Only in very few make it, for all other our fate is the same: the insecurity, uncertainty, the uncertainty of the future. But at least, I console myself, I will not have to give it to a septuagenarian. That is no small thing.
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