Sunday, February 27, 2011

Keep M4 Clean And It's Reliable

The simplicity of the man. Part one: the clothing

There are situations in life, when people look at you with a clear expression in his face, an expression that seems to say: "Why?". This air of loss appears as if by magic all the time in which we women venture into speculations that even if you have a degree in philosophy, difficult to understand.
I think the obvious choice of clothing, for example. If the morning is scheduled for an important meeting in the office, the average man will, as the only difficulty, that the tie to match the dress. The woman, after checking the weather on the Internet, to see if it will rain or not, whether there will be wind or it will be hot, open the cabinet and will be seized by an irrational horror vacui. That is, you will have in front of dozens of clothes, but not see them. It is as if he had opened, I know, the closet, or door of the library. It is understandable if you think about it: choose from over one million combinations of statistics, it's like to grips with the concept of infinity. The argument will proceed in stages. Skirt or pants? Dress or suit? Color? Accessories? Humor? And then, because we're on a blog that talks about discrimination, specifically in view of a business meeting, a woman will always ask if that che indossa sarà troppo provocante, o troppo serioso, o troppo sciatto. E già questo ci dà la dimensione della quantità di pressioni a cui, ogni giorno, una donna è sottoposta. L’uomo invece, è una creatura semplice. Ti guarda interrogativo mentre componi sul letto i vari abbinamenti tra cui scegliere, ma non osa parlare, perché secoli di evoluzione gli hanno insegnato a percepire il pericolo. E quella, la situazione della donna che sceglie l’abbigliamento prima di uscire di casa con i minuti contati, È una situazione di pericolo. Adesso, qualcuno di voi starà sorridendo, pensando ai classici luoghi comuni che differenziano uomini e donne. Ma io non rido. Perché mi domando come mai una donna, nei millenni, has declined in these states. I mean, when we were monkeys, both male and female each had her hair (oh my God, even now, in the absence of wax), and were not big problems with pairing. That is, the female monkey, walking in the jungle, not wondered "What the other monkeys will think of me?" Man is simple because it is quiet. The company did not have it with him. And even biology.
In short, this reflection you throw it there as well. Then everyone who wants to draw the conclusions. For my part, I believe that the famous man's simplicity is not always to blame. Indeed, we often learn from them. Maybe not always, perhaps is better than someone in the face every now and then couple of questions that go beyond "What's for dinner?". But sparingly, without exaggeration. Why then there are cases in which too many questions cause suffering, a suffering that there is no solution. So it is better to draw a deep breath and recite this mantra: "I'ma man, I'ma man, I'ma man."
End Part.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Lord Of The Ring Free Font

The scent of memories. Ode to Aunt Jolene

you like this evocative title? To me a lot, because it represents my mood at the moment. I think they are the first signs of spring, even though today there are two degrees and the bora as never before. But obviously feel some pollen in the air that makes me a bit 'nostalgic, a bit' sad, a bit 'boring, and strangely a little' sound. Perhaps more than in the spring I need a vacation, let's face it. is that yesterday I read a beautiful post I talked about faraway places, but Italian . Of those many small places that many do not know, but that ooze charm from every street. I was struck by this post (because it is one of the few without spelling mistakes) and I recalled pieces of pictures, sounds and sensations of my past. I do not know why, but I remembered an old great-aunt who lived in Naples. Aunt Yolanda, Jole said. When I was twelve I went to see with my parents. He lived in an apartment in an old palace Naples, one of those where there was the goalkeeper who were giving money to make you use the elevator. The windows of my room opened onto a small balcony from which you could see the sea. I have good impression in the mind the image of my awakening, in a summer morning with the smell of laundry hung in the sun mixed with the coffee just came out and the light that came into the room and the blue sea. In this picture you add up the memories of the traffic noise and voices of people walking down the street. The voice of the grocery store, one of the news, the children playing football on the sidewalk and called themselves all Diego, in honor of Maradona. For me, memories are exciting because ever since we found little of poetry, ed è piacevole farli riaffiorare oggi, in mezzo a tutta la tecnologia da cui sono circondata, in mezzo alle scartoffie del lavoro, alle preoccupazioni e alle incombenze della vita quotidiana.
E poi c'era zia Jole. Una dei sei fratelli di mio nonno. Bellissima in gioventù e dotata di un'energia che oggi ce la sogniamo. Zia Jole non si è mai sposata, né ha avuto figli. Vantava spasimanti e fidanzati illustri, ai quali però non ha mai detto "sì". Non in senso coniugale, almeno. Zia Jole ed io avevamo un rapporto speciale. Sebbene ci vedessimo molto raramente, avevamo instaurato un bellissimo feeling. Mi comprava un sacco di libri e di riviste, chiacchieravamo per ore di tutto e di niente, ci volevamo bene. Quando ancora there was no food globalization, she would come for short periods of Trieste and took us to the buffalo that had nothing to do with what we used to eat us. And since ended up in about a half-day, Aunt Jolene, age 85, was preparing the stock market, was started at the door and told us: "Did you like? Then I jump in Naples and I will carry." As if it falls to local supermarket and not be one thousand kilometers by train. Then we had to stop at five.
Aunt Jolene was not exactly the stereotype of southern women. At least not of that era. He was skinny, single, independent and somewhat 'revolutionary. A careful examination, however, even his other brothers were very "normal". Starting precisely from my grandfather, who strengthened by its two degrees, one in chemical engineering, the other drugs, he took the liberty of creating poisonous potions to preserve in case one day he had been diagnosed with an incurable disease. "So me and I will not be fooled suicide by doctors, who are all balls." He liked to say.
But there was something that made her special Aunt Jolene. And that was his serenity of his life in doing what he wanted. Without giving credence to the expectations of others, without giving in to "suggestions" of society. Surely my beloved great-aunt would not be taken to the streets for the event If not now when, or concern itself with the problem of shares rose. So she did what he wanted anyway. And he did it with a light from which many of us would have to learn. Me included. Sure, you probably did not have the desire to sit in a board of directors of a listed company, but even if he had, would surely have found a way to do it. And I'd still have her here, Aunt Jolene, who passed away at the tender age of 96 years. I'd love to hear from you what he thinks of the current situation of Italian women. And I would like to hear what would come out. I would talk to her about all these things, maybe on that balcony overlooking the sea, watching the sheets hanging in the wind and one of his legendary drinking coffee.
Ah, my dear aunt, how I miss you.

Deducting Student Loan Interest


Non ho nemmeno fatto in tempo a scrivere di quote rosa, che già l'iniziativa è miseramente naufragata. Allora, intanto la commissione Giustizia del Senato ha dato parere negativo per via di un'apparente incostituzionalità. Ora, non sono un'esperta giurista, né ho studiato legge, ma all'Università un esamino di diritto pubblico l'ho fatto, e quando ho letto la Costituzione, mi pareva che il senso di parità tra uomo e donna fosse abbastanza chiaro. Poi possiamo anche andare a ravanare sui singoli articoli, sulle virgole, sulle parole esatte, ma nessuno mi toglie dalla testa che il messaggio generale della nostra Costituzione sia quello della piena uguaglianza e tutela di tutti i cittadini italiani, che devono avere the same opportunities and freedom of expression and personal fulfillment, family, social and professional. Here, from this point of view, a provision that provides for a 30% quota for women on the board of listed companies seems to go, albeit slowly, in the direction indicated by the Constitution.
I will not dwell on the details of the legal dispute, but only carry the excerpt I was most indignant
In practice, the penalty for companies that do not include 30% of women in the Board of Directors, consists in dissolving the Board itself. That, frankly, it seems to me the least, as well as absolutely "proportional." Why is this the small detail that makes us understand how great is the discrimination against women: consider exaggerated a penalty in front of a form of racism. It means that an accident did not understand the problem, which is a problem cultural and social in the long run also brings a financial loss. It means that the issue is serious and requires serious attention. So, if you tell me that is no exaggeration to close a Board of Directors for this shit, allora ti dico che è anche esagerato che tu guadagni un milione di euro l'anno per amministrare una società in perenne perdita. Applichiamolo ovunque allora, questo benedetto principio di proporzionalità. Per me, quello che ti aspetta sotto casa per tagliarti le gomme della macchina potrebbe anche cavarsela con una sanzione amministrativa di 5 euro. Non vorrai mica denunciarlo? Per me non sarebbe proporzionale: in fondo ha solo tagliato le gomme a te che te lo meritavi.
Chi si prende la briga di contestare questa sanzione, evidentemente non ha ben presente il tipo di danno che il comportamento illegale reca alle donne, che è un danno che, oltre che economico, è anche psicologico e sociale. Una donna non sarà libera of self-determination. And for me, the deprivation of liberty is a serious issue. Now, you can tell me that the legal standard there is nothing to prevent women from access to the Board, but, as I have said elsewhere, there was not no law that prevents you from learning to read and write, yet they felt the need to make school compulsory. And why? Because of illiteracy, as well as the exclusion of women from vital centers of power and economy worsen our civilization.
Well, coming back to practice, now it appears that the shares rose will begin to enter the scheme in 2018, ie seven years (probably a man, a member of any Board, si è fatto il conto di quanto gli mancava alla pensione) e pare che la sanzione prevista per le società che non si adegueranno sarà, udite udite, una diffida della Consob e una multa.
Preso atto di ciò, vado a pranzo, che per protesta non cucinerò io.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Ruby Red Slippers Tattoo

shares rose unconstitutional (and vicinity): revolutionizing the job?

Questo post a blog unificati nasce da un'idea e uno scambio di vedute su Twitter e in rete tra Monica Cristina Massola , Stefania Boleso , Lorenza Rebuzzini , Manuela Cervetti , Benedetta Gargiulo , Maria Cimarelli , Paola Liberace e Mariangela Ziller .

After an excerpt of transactions on the network:

"Do not just be for women to be candidates, this is exploitation."
"But if I'd really like asking" Who's good? "Were women in mind"
"The question is: is this enough to introduce people to the event (as will happen in banks CDA) as long as women ?
"I'm sure there are smart women ready to assume important roles. How to get him the chance?"
"More and more clear to me that this is not part of time or conciliation: you need to revolutionize the work, nothing less "
" revolutionize the work! It 'the only one. But starting with the women (mums!), Not imitation of men. "
(following in the Twitter hashtags # rivoluzionareillavoro found no record of sentences that have made us think ...)

we decided to write on topics of real opportunities for women in the profession: how to revolutionize the current organization of work, and the law currently under discussion in the Board shares rose.

Come avrete intuito, questo post va in onda a blog unificati. Tipo messaggio del Presidente della Repubblica il 31 dicembre. E, non per darmi delle arie, ma anche io vi faccio gli auguri. Auguro a tutti, uomini e donne, che domani venga approvata la legge sulle quote rosa. E così vi svelo già la mia opinione in merito: un terzo delle donne nel Consigli d'Amministrazione delle società? Sì, grazie. È un po' poco, ma per ora ci accontentiamo. Meglio un terzo che un milionesimo. Certo, le solite prime della classe, tipo Norvegia, Spagna (?) e Francia (?) hanno quote del 40%, ma insomma, non vorremo mica stravolgere così di botto secoli di inciviltà italiana! Bisogna andare per gradi. Magari un giorno facciamo assistere le donne a una riunione del CdA dal buco della serratura. Il giorno dopo le facciamo entrare, magari per portare il caffè. Il terzo qualcuna si può appoggiare al tavolo di cristallo, meglio se in posa accattivante. Così, dopo una settimana di silenziosa presenza, l'uomo medio italiano si sarà abituato e sarà pronto per assorbire lo shock di condividere il potere con il genere femminile. Comunque il panico farà presto a rientrare, dato che "un terzo" coincide matematicamente con il concetto di minoranza. Per cui non ci sarà il pericolo di una guerra tra i sessi.
Detto questo, leggo ovunque i commenti dei soliti moderati (tipo mia madre), che con una certa spocchia criticano il meccanismo shares rose. They say that the presence of women can not be imposed by law. They say that the shares rose to hurt women. Alessandro De Nicola wrote on Sole24Ore a few days ago that "It is idle to discuss whether women are good for the budget of the society, and the manager so good, bad or inappropriate ones do not. Surely it will not be any bureaucracy can be determined." Idle a tube. If I read the data that say that, where there are also compounds of the Board of Directors by women, companies have better performance than those in which the Board is 100% testosterone, means that, regardless of whether the women managers are good or bad , the shares rose improve the situation. E De Nicola continues: "The price rose is counterproductive in other respects: it makes the ladies chosen to consider the simple 'recommended' and creates a small caste of 'golden skirts' as they are called in Norway ... "I mean, we have not even begun to provide for a lousy 30% of women in SO that's already talk of recommendations and golden skirts?! But we would like to say something about the "gold pants" instead? and recommendations Gender enjoyed by men? "I mean, today, and not by law, the majority of the Board of Directors Italian companies is made up of men only. Of these, many have also bad figures. I think to Alitalia for example, or Trenitalia (everything ends in "Italian" in short. Ah yes, Telecom Italy). In this case no longer speak of recommendation? What, only now suddenly discover the value of the capacity and preparedness? Now we're talking about women? Behold, I send this thing to me really angry. Covertly, but even so, I say, "Well women, but they must be able and prepared, eh!" And then say something unpopular: who cares if they are not brave or prepared. Some will be good, some not. Some will be awful, some not. Just like men. For me this is the real equality: women must have the same right to fail as men. It is not that because now they allow them a third of the seats, these women must work twice as many men.
The main critics of this law is much talk of meritocracy. They say that the positions of power must be filled by qualified people, regardless of gender. Well, I say. But today we are confident that the seats in the Board of Directors are assigned to real merit? Because if not, then what are we talking about?
Sorry, I increased the pressure. Now I am calm.
Instead, there is another issue that concerns me, that is precisely the number of women interested to take advantage of the shares rose. Are there? And how many are they? And where are they? At what step the organizational company have stopped (or have been stopped)? There are many companies that count rates in Italy high level of women in clerical, some level framework, and virtually no leadership. If within one year should come into force on the mechanism of the shares rose, we should take a crash course in management for women. It would also be nice that there were parallel course to explain to people how it is normal and due to that they also will occupy the children and home. Why are you doing? Incentives for women to have a career to pursue all his skills and then leave her children by the social worker? But in the end there is another thorny issue which is discussed shortly, which is the imbalance in work and private life. It is assumed that you must necessarily choose: between work and children, work and marriage, tra lavoro e salute. Sì, lo so, sto facendo un discorso da femmina. Mi è stato detto proprio l'altra sera a cena: le donne vogliono fare tutto e non sono disposte a concentrarsi su un'unica cosa. Vogliono essere madri, mogli, amanti, lavoratrici, amiche. L'uomo invece, una volta che ha scelto il lavoro, non si pone altre questioni. Sta bene così. Beh, scusate, ma a me pare riduttivo. E comunque, statistiche alla mano, la qualità del lavoro aumenta quando aumenta anche la qualità della vita, e questo significa che se ho il tempo per andarmi a fare una birretta con gli amici, o fare i compiti con mio figlio, poi sarò più produttiva in azienda. L'attuazione delle quote rosa in Italia, seppur con percentuali ben lontane dalla parità, implicherà anche una certa rivoluzione nel lavoro. Come tempi e come modi. E di questo, ne godranno anche gli uomini.

Se volte altre opinioni in merito, sicuramente più serie delle mie, questi sono i link dove potrete trovarle:

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Salary Canada Average Comercial Pilote

Telecom champion of women

Non so se si era capito dal post " Terrore al centro estetico ", comunque chi mi conosce lo sa molto bene: a me piace mangiare. Ma non scafandrarmi qualsiasi cosa. Non sono il tipo che si fa fuori un vaso di Nutella davanti alla TV, per intenderci. Cioè, se ci fosse, la Nutella sicuramente avrebbe vita breve, per cui non la compro direttamente. Ma non mi costa fatica, giuro, ci rinuncio volentieri. Quello a cui non rinuncio è la buona cucina. Che ne so, la pasta al forno con le polpettine, per esempio, il filetto in crosta di pane, gli spaghetti allo scoglio, i ravioli alla zucca con ricotta affumicata. Cose così. Ecco, più che la Nutella davanti alla TV, prediligo quei tre-quattro etti di pasta al forno. Senza fondo alcuno. Non sono mai stata particolarmente attratta dalle cosiddette "schifezze", quelle che la mamma ti dice not always eat at school for snack. I do not like the snacks (not in industrial quantities, at least) or the McDonald's sandwiches. Of course, to maintain balanced the amount of toxins in my body, sometimes I eat me a sandwich. But it will happen twice a year. Mc Donald's is the epitome of "junk" we always knew even before he saw the movie Super Size Me. That chemical aftertaste that is common to a cheesburger Mc Bacon and a Big Mac and that, in fact, makes the same all these sandwiches, sometimes frightening. That cucumber then goes neither up nor down. And then we talk about the bread? But it is bread? We'll never know. In short, much better as a calorie sandwich with the mortadella. Maybe in a baguette with a drizzle of mayonnaise (you can see that I have not had breakfast today?). What always amazes me is the advertising of McDonald's sandwiches. Last week, the train station in Milan, I saw huge totem shouting concepts like "authenticity", "quality", "Italian." Totems were advertising McDonald's, not the De Cecco pasta. This trend upsets me forever. And just say that I do this work. But nothing, then when you see the end result will surprise you every time. The symbol of a worsening diet obviously has a desperate need to clean up and give a positive image of themselves. Especially in Italy, where good food have a sense, where the pizza is still the best on the sandwich, where the Mediterranean diet has just been named World Heritage by UNESCO. But at some point, when the lens is so unattainable, I say, you might as well change its strategy. I know, use irony. Say, "Okay, if you only McDonald's food will die young, but sometimes we're just fine. Type after a cinema. Or when you want to reward the teenager in you." Here is "Love the adolescent in you: take a sandwich."
But why am I telling you all this (besides the fact that I'm hungry)? Because there are operations that are really advertising beyond decency. I venuta in mente la storia del Mc Donald's quando ho saputo che Telecom ha aperto un blog dedicato a donne, lavoro e questioni di genere . Allora, per chi non lo sapesse, questa cosa delle aziende che sposano una causa sociale è una tendenza che va avanti ormai da molti anni. Serve a far percepire come "buona" un'impresa che comunque ha come obiettivo principale quello di fare utili. E a dare la mazzata finale ci ha pensato Naomi Klein con No logo, che ha definitivamente rovinato la festa, parlando delle multinazionali che sfruttano, affamano, truffano. Oggi un'azienda ha il dovere di sentirsi in colpa per il solo fatto di fare profitto. Insomma, ha fatto di più la Klein nel 2000 che Marx in un secolo e mezzo. Così adesso abbiamo aziende che costruiscono asili, che finanziano ospedali, che sposano la cultura, che aiutano i giovani, che promuovono la pace nel mondo. Tutto questo, chiaramente, non come anonime benefattrici, ma come soggetti ben visibili, con il loro logo, con comunicati stampa, con campagne pubblicitarie, in modo che tutti sappiano che sono aziende buone e sensibili. Bene, assodato questo, c'è da vedere quale causa sociale viene scelta da ogni impresa. Di solito quella più vicina ai valori del loro marchio. Che ne so, Ikea, che fa mobili e usa il legno, sposa la causa ambientale piantando alberi per esempio. Così ti può dire: "Vedi? Io non disbosco l'Amazzonia per fare i miei prodotti. Ma pianto apposta la materia prima". Then comes Telecom, which now seems to have espoused the cause of social protection of women. Maybe they thought you could do as Ikea, saying: "See, I exploit women in my audience by showing half-naked and alluring, with a background of sexist jokes, but then I open a blog to their defense and against discrimination." But there is something wrong. It's like Ikea, in its advertising to the ground with napalm radesse a forest to create attention, then opened a blog on the love for the plants. But in Sweden would not do it ever. In Italy, however, this reasoning is possible. You can torpedo Belen giving all the blame for the decline in sales. You can replace Belen belle with another that will do the same things he did Belen. And then you can denounce "prejudices" and "stereotypes of the female figure" Blog of the holding. Behold, this was frankly incredible. If she died, Klein would turn in his grave. Besides, if they can propose a McDonald's as genuine Italian product, why not believe in Telecom, a champion of human rights and dignity of women?

Monday, February 14, 2011

Home Made Propeller For Weedeater

If not now, when - Trieste

"How nice to make love from Trieste down" sang the Carrà two thousand years ago. In fact, Trieste, my city, has always been enough note in the collective national as the place where most are indulging in the joys of love. Maybe because it has always been a seaport, it will be because he lived under the influence of Austrian until recently less than a century ago, it will be because the Trieste has always had a reputation for being beautiful. I do not know. However, just to say, my maternal grandmother in the thirties he went to see her relatives who had moved to Lazio, and we went alone by train. Always alone, my grandma used to go to the movies, to enjoy some relaxing time. After arriving in America, my grandmother made the scandal, of course. Trieste still shows us that what I say is true: in the center of the bar meet ladies eighty years of drinking coffee and make conversation. The city is full of them. The bars and ladies of eighty. Once, the hairdresser, I heard an elderly lady told that after the dye was going to sea, leaving her husband a delicious sandwich with mortadella on the kitchen table. Just move a few miles further north or further west, already noted for the change of scenery: the bars are populated by men of eighty drinking glasses of wine and playing cards. Even the shadow of women. I speak to older generations because Trieste is also one of the cities with the highest average of the elderly in Italy. I think that kind of 70% of the population here has more than seventy years. Last short dettaglio che vorrei precisare: Trieste è una città di destra. Per ragioni storiche, sociali, politiche che adesso sarebbe lungo spiegare. Ma fidatevi. In tutta la storia politica della città, l'unico sindaco di sinistra che abbiamo avuto è stato Riccardo Illy, l'imprenditore del caffè (poi diventato Governatore del Friuli Venezia Giulia). Quindi capite anche voi cosa intendo.
Insomma, tutto questo per dire che le donne a Trieste non hanno mai brillato per castità, né si sono mai particolarmente distinte per campagne di moralizzazione sessuale, né hanno mai dimostrato un particolare attaccamento ai precetti della Chiesa, e detestano i comunisti. In pratica, le sostenitrici ideali del nostro Chairman of the Board, if he did not concentrate all the nightlife in Arcore, maybe we would have to Trieste, perhaps enjoying himself with more experienced women, given the average age.
These thoughts I was doing yesterday morning, on my way to Piazza Unità d'Italy to attend the event "If not now when."
"I'll find someone? And if so, how will they be? Ten, twenty? Three according to the police? Damn laziness: I had to go to Rome."
But, to my great astonishment, great joy and a little 'parochial pride, I found three thousand people waiting for me. That is, wait and welcome women of all age, political beliefs and cultures. Obviously, the average age of the square was about sixty years, by force of circumstances. But beside the point. Instead I found it interesting that women historically free and very accustomed to being offended (I forgot: here we have the highest rate of topless beach, too, alas, all ages), chose to take to the streets to protest for the dignity trampled upon. I mean, we have to put your pain even if the Trieste feel the need to mobilize. It still makes me laugh more Santanchè (that already I find it hard to follow since the Cortellesi seriously started to imitate it), because when he speaks, along with Ferrara, rod and bigoted, not knowing a provincial capital in the far northeast, where there is the highest consumption of Viagra in the country, is blatantly denying. In short, this latest, sterile polemics of women who consider the escort moralistic and their right to engage in prostitution, is neither in heaven nor on earth nor, I add, on any program I've seen the show.
Evidently, the Trieste (Trieste and) felt the need to say something, to prove a hardship. And it is the discomfort that unfortunately in this town women often live. The discomfort of being asked for job interviews if you plan to have children, il disagio di guadagnare di meno rispetto a un uomo a parità di livello e competenze, il disagio di non poter fare carriera, il disagio di non sapere dove portare i figli dalla fine della maternità al terzo anno compiuto del bambino. Sopportare tutto questo è già abbastanza impegnativo, se poi ci aggiungiamo anche il Rubygate, e cioè l'ennesima celebrazione del maschio dominante che si diverte sulla nostra pelle, beh, pure le triestine non ci hanno visto più. E mi pare anche tutte le altre. O meglio, tutte quelle che sono abituate ad affrontare quotidianamente i problemi e le difficoltà reali delle donne, piuttosto che a cazzeggiare con considerazioni politiche fini a se stesse (a destra come a sinistra).
Bene. Detto This, along with the old ladies of Trieste, I was there. There were several friends of mine. Many acquaintances. The photographer Massimo Battista, whom I thank for the picture opening this post. Some political campaign for the next administration. And a dear friend from University who came with the flu, he did not want to miss. But the man could not: he had to take a shower. Right. Hygiene first.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Cost Of Movie At Silver City

brief reflection on a tragic end

today to reflect on this. As the bad luck is never alone, in addition to the ominous prophecy of the Maya, there is also this thing of the canons of the overlap with various holidays on Saturdays and Sundays of the year. Practically we can not console ourselves with some impromptu trip taking advantage of the classic decks. And so we meet our doom working and accumulating vacation, which we will not enjoy then ever.
on this depressing scenario has recently expressed Marcegaglia, president of Confindustria, by the way of our one glimmer of hope: the celebration of the unification of Italy on 17 March. That is a Thursday, oddly enough. He says that because the economy is in crisis, there is no need to lose a day (or two, with the bridge work).
Then, my dear Emma, \u200b\u200bI know that as a woman you have to prove to work twice as hard to be met half, and I appreciate molto il tuo sforzo. Davvero. Ma poi arriva un momento in cui tutto questo perde di significato, e questo momento è il 2012, dove, crisi o non crisi, uomini e donne saranno tutti uguali. Uguali davanti all'asteroide che ci colpirà (era previsto un asteroide? Non ricordo). Per cui, cara Emma, lasciaci godere in pace di quest'ultimo ponte, ché tanto nessuno sopravviverà per chiedere il TFR.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

World's Biggest Online Skate Park-tech Deck Live

Sull'ossitocina and other amenities

Stavo per andare a letto, ma poi la mia vita sociale virtuale mi ha fatto rimandare. Su facebook una mia amica segnala un articolo del Corriere che dice: "Per le donne un pranzo con le amiche è meglio di una notte di passione ". Capite anche voi che non posso andare a dormire rimandando comment on this blog. Even so, a few hours before, just with my friend we decided to go out to lunch next Sunday, after the event for the dignity of women. So I feel personally involved in this murky history of women, lunches and nights of passion. Of course, she joked, commenting: "I do not exaggerate." In fact, the article seems a bit 'over the top, but as usual they lead you to witness a series of scientific research and international experts who say this: women prefer sex with her friends. And do not talk about sex bad, eh, but the normal, average, satisfactory. So you say that during a lunch with friends, women produce the same hormone that is produced by orgasm: oxytocin. What then is the same that occurs during childbirth, but the fact that women prefer a lunch with friends at pains, I think we all agree, even without scientific evidence.
However research tells us this: with the girls produce oxytocin with oxytocin produce an orgasm. At this point it is clear that the two are on equal footing. But no, because it seems that more and more women prefer to be single and do not give up their friendships, in relationships with men because they feel more under pressure. In other words, oxytocin to oxytocin, it is better than no contraindications. There would be in realtà da specificare la natura della relazione sessuale a cui si rinuncia, perché l'approccio della giornalista (e dei ricercatori?) è abbastanza tradizionalista: si dà per scontato che il sesso sia possibile solo all'interno di una relazione stabile, per cui alla fine la scelta è tra essere single o essere in coppia. Non ve lo devo spiegare io, ma è chiaro che in mezzo a questi due estremi ci sono tutta una serie di altre possibilità che a questo punto sarei curiosa di capire come vengono interpretate da questa ricerca. Per esempio la mia amica è single. E infatti ha giudicato esagerato questo articolo. Probabilmente, se la prossima domenica alla manifestazione per le donne incontrasse un uomo attraente che le proponesse un pomeriggio di passione, io e le altre saremmo destinate a pranzare da sole. Quindi non è solo una questione di ossitocina, mi pare. Cioè, se le dicessi: "Dai, resta con noi, ti garantiamo lo stesso apporto ormonale che avresti con quel tipo lì" non avrei nessuna speranza. Garantito. Ecco, abbiamo appena dimostrato che non sempre le donne preferiscono le amiche alla notte (o al pomeriggio) di passione. Certo, la mia non è una dimostrazione scientifica, ma a volte il buon senso può fare miracoli. Credo che la questione sia invece un'altra, ma che ha meno a che fare con l'ossitocina. Sull'evidente tendenza che hanno le giovani donne a preferire la singletudine alla vita di coppia, mi interrogherei con ben più di una ricerca. Sicuramente ci motivations are sociological, psychological, anthropological, economic, and everything that ends in "that". But perhaps even this famous devaluation and disrespect for women is that makes you want to come across is coupled (in a relational sense). Maybe someone is wondering who makes you do at home to relive all that is already living outside or in the workplace. Okay, this seems as much a provocation, and perhaps it is. But still, someone to tell them to researchers for women has not even easy to live with men.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Manual Versus Electric Pump

Where it all begins

'm on yet another train that takes me in Milan, but now more for pleasure than for duty. I'm going to present the book of Martha Zacchigna "Milano to bare "and this reassures me a lot, and because the author is a friend of mine, both because it gives me the opportunity to live Trenitalia as a free choice and not as an imposition. Before leaving I stopped at newsstands, so to buy some newspapers to browse casually in the face to all those who work sitting in front of me. Of course there is always a kiosk station monstrous row, so I am stepping stone religiously waiting for my turn. And then my gaze wanders among the magazines on display here and there. Barbapapa I see the album with various gadgets attached, see the papers of hunting and fishing alongside those for animal lovers (which seems quite a contradiction), then I stop softened sui periodici per teenagers. Avevo già fatto outing a suo tempo parlandovi delle mie letture adolescenziali all'uscita dalla chiesa (vedi: trattato su Cioè, nel post " Una bella gnocca sul calendario "), per cui capirete che per me, vedere esposti tutti i giornaletti che mi ricordano quanto ero felice e spensierata più di vent'anni fa, mi commuove come la fine del film di Forrest Gump. Noto subito che, accanto allo storico Cioè, sono fiorite negli anni decine di riviste parallele, segno che il segmento tira molto. Fra queste, compare Ragazze (o Ragazza, non ricordo bene), che in copertina ci offre un sunto di quello che troveremo all'interno: c'è l'immancabile test ("Arrossisci o fai arrossire?"), the inevitable freak who can not sing or dance or act, but it is so beautiful, the inevitable articles on the difficult tasks that life requires us to (know how to do hair, how to conquer the classmate, make-up in the elevator without be discovered by her mother) and, finally, a serious warning to all readers, about Sexting. It seems really disturbing. I read the two lines below (the line is still on sale because the old lady in front of Italian cuisine is paying a cent coins): "Note that your risque photos are available to everyone!" OMMIODDIO! But it is terrible! - I think now with a vague sense of unease - now who said to my father? And my mother? Will still speak to me? And you, regular readers of this blog, you will have the same esteem for me, if you've ever had, after seeing my photos risque?
Luckily my apocalyptic frenzy lasts a few seconds. Which photos? The only date back to when I'm naked a couple of baths that I made innocently and in 1975 when I was too small to demand the rights to my parents. I was forced. I did not want (that picture I was in tears). I calm down. I look again at that magazine. It really looks like a serious problem. And indeed it is, because it is assumed that all the young readers of that magazine have risqué photos. That is, it is normal to have. And as is normal, then they put you warning of the dangers of their distribution. So I wonder, dear, old, modest, naive readers, did you know that you pre-teens today, just have a cell phone in hand or a digital camera, the first thing they do is recoil in risqué poses? I now know, and are also more aware of how, at some point, we gathered to organize events for the dignity of women. The old woman comes from newsstand, I buy the "Republic" which at this point, I think the sequel to "Girls".

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Albuterol Recall 2009

The inadequacy of a woman in haberdashery

morning I jumped into a shop to buy some patches for the pants of my firstborn. I confess I have always had strong resistance this type of purchase, because I clearly recall the image of us children of the seventies, dressed in blue overalls and red, with white stripes on the side, and the patches that were previously oval velvet sewn by our mothers even before they bucassero is, at the knees. Well, that image has always made me a bit 'sad, because I know a little' foundling orphanage Candy Candy ". However the style of that era was so, and over time I learned to accept it and look at old photos with more indulgence. And then, as a favorite of my eldest son is the "Space Drift" on his knees, too type pants made only twice a break up come se avesse passato un mese nella giungla. Quindi niente: o toppe o morte. Questa storia dell'acquisto delle toppe sembra banale, ma mi sono presto accorta che non lo era. Intanto, già per uscire dalla logica consumistica del "si rompe = si compra nuovo" ci ho messo un po'. Poi, una volta accettata l'idea della toppa, si è posto un altro problema: dove si vendono? Qualche supermercato le ha, ma ogni volta che mi ricordo di cercarle, trovo sempre l'espositore semi esaurito. Bene, vuol dire che non sono l'unica. Qualcuno mi parla della merceria, dove credo di non essere mai entrata in vita mia.
"Sai, quei posti dove vendono tutte le cose per il taglio e cucito, fili, nastri, stoffe, aghi, puntaspilli..."
Okay, and where can I find one? No, because I can tell you exactly how many wineries are there in my city, I always know what is the nearest bookstore, the record shop and even the fishmongers. But the haberdashery not appear on my display. Not even on the phone with the latest location-based applications (a sign that Mercer is a popular spot even from other smartphone owners). I noted a friend. Later I find myself in a kind of souk, where ladies from the eighties up jostle to attract the attention of the orders. I immediately hung up the patches: there's Winnie the Pooh, there's Superman, Batman is, in short, a great variety of shapes, colors and testimonials.
"I want those patches."
"applications, wanted to say."
I was immediately corrected by the contract, emphasizing the important difference in terminology (and therefore my ignorance). Evidently, the patches have remained obscenity oval velvet that law in the seventies (and in the centuries before), but then came the applications, you can place on any item of clothing, just for decoration. But I saw there the right to cover the holes in the pants. However, show off a false consciousness of what I was saying and agree, "Yes, yes, applications, of course."
The contract looks at me with pity, and my eldest son definitely give it the context of our situation: "Mom, can we buy these colored wires for my father, who always uses them sewing?"

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Thank You Letter For Destination Wedding

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