Questo post a blog unificati nasce da un'idea e uno scambio di vedute su Twitter e in rete tra Monica Cristina Massola , Stefania Boleso , Lorenza Rebuzzini , Manuela Cervetti , Benedetta Gargiulo , Maria Cimarelli , Paola Liberace e Mariangela Ziller .
After an excerpt of transactions on the network:
"Do not just be for women to be candidates, this is exploitation."
"But if I'd really like asking" Who's good? "Were women in mind"
"The question is: is this enough to introduce people to the event (as will happen in banks CDA) as long as women ?
"I'm sure there are smart women ready to assume important roles. How to get him the chance?"
"More and more clear to me that this is not part of time or conciliation: you need to revolutionize the work, nothing less "
" revolutionize the work! It 'the only one. But starting with the women (mums!), Not imitation of men. "
(following in the Twitter hashtags # rivoluzionareillavoro found no record of sentences that have made us think ...)
we decided to write on topics of real opportunities for women in the profession: how to revolutionize the current organization of work, and the law currently under discussion in the Board shares rose.
Come avrete intuito, questo post va in onda a blog unificati. Tipo messaggio del Presidente della Repubblica il 31 dicembre. E, non per darmi delle arie, ma anche io vi faccio gli auguri. Auguro a tutti, uomini e donne, che domani venga approvata la legge sulle quote rosa. E così vi svelo già la mia opinione in merito: un terzo delle donne nel Consigli d'Amministrazione delle società? Sì, grazie. È un po' poco, ma per ora ci accontentiamo. Meglio un terzo che un milionesimo. Certo, le solite prime della classe, tipo Norvegia, Spagna (?) e Francia (?) hanno quote del 40%, ma insomma, non vorremo mica stravolgere così di botto secoli di inciviltà italiana! Bisogna andare per gradi. Magari un giorno facciamo assistere le donne a una riunione del CdA dal buco della serratura. Il giorno dopo le facciamo entrare, magari per portare il caffè. Il terzo qualcuna si può appoggiare al tavolo di cristallo, meglio se in posa accattivante. Così, dopo una settimana di silenziosa presenza, l'uomo medio italiano si sarà abituato e sarà pronto per assorbire lo shock di condividere il potere con il genere femminile. Comunque il panico farà presto a rientrare, dato che "un terzo" coincide matematicamente con il concetto di minoranza. Per cui non ci sarà il pericolo di una guerra tra i sessi.
Detto questo, leggo ovunque i commenti dei soliti moderati (tipo mia madre), che con una certa spocchia criticano il meccanismo shares rose. They say that the presence of women can not be imposed by law. They say that the shares rose to hurt women. Alessandro De Nicola wrote on Sole24Ore a few days ago that "It is idle to discuss whether women are good for the budget of the society, and the manager so good, bad or inappropriate ones do not. Surely it will not be any bureaucracy can be determined." Idle a tube. If I read the data that say that, where there are also compounds of the Board of Directors by women, companies have better performance than those in which the Board is 100% testosterone, means that, regardless of whether the women managers are good or bad , the shares rose improve the situation. E De Nicola continues: "The price rose is counterproductive in other respects: it makes the ladies chosen to consider the simple 'recommended' and creates a small caste of 'golden skirts' as they are called in Norway ... "I mean, we have not even begun to provide for a lousy 30% of women in SO that's already talk of recommendations and golden skirts?! But we would like to say something about the "gold pants" instead? and recommendations Gender enjoyed by men? "I mean, today, and not by law, the majority of the Board of Directors Italian companies is made up of men only. Of these, many have also bad figures. I think to Alitalia for example, or Trenitalia (everything ends in "Italian" in short. Ah yes, Telecom Italy). In this case no longer speak of recommendation? What, only now suddenly discover the value of the capacity and preparedness? Now we're talking about women? Behold, I send this thing to me really angry. Covertly, but even so, I say, "Well women, but they must be able and prepared, eh!" And then say something unpopular: who cares if they are not brave or prepared. Some will be good, some not. Some will be awful, some not. Just like men. For me this is the real equality: women must have the same right to fail as men. It is not that because now they allow them a third of the seats, these women must work twice as many men.
The main critics of this law is much talk of meritocracy. They say that the positions of power must be filled by qualified people, regardless of gender. Well, I say. But today we are confident that the seats in the Board of Directors are assigned to real merit? Because if not, then what are we talking about?
Sorry, I increased the pressure. Now I am calm.
Instead, there is another issue that concerns me, that is precisely the number of women interested to take advantage of the shares rose. Are there? And how many are they? And where are they? At what step the organizational company have stopped (or have been stopped)? There are many companies that count rates in Italy high level of women in clerical, some level framework, and virtually no leadership. If within one year should come into force on the mechanism of the shares rose, we should take a crash course in management for women. It would also be nice that there were parallel course to explain to people how it is normal and due to that they also will occupy the children and home. Why are you doing? Incentives for women to have a career to pursue all his skills and then leave her children by the social worker? But in the end there is another thorny issue which is discussed shortly, which is the imbalance in work and private life. It is assumed that you must necessarily choose: between work and children, work and marriage, tra lavoro e salute. Sì, lo so, sto facendo un discorso da femmina. Mi è stato detto proprio l'altra sera a cena: le donne vogliono fare tutto e non sono disposte a concentrarsi su un'unica cosa. Vogliono essere madri, mogli, amanti, lavoratrici, amiche. L'uomo invece, una volta che ha scelto il lavoro, non si pone altre questioni. Sta bene così. Beh, scusate, ma a me pare riduttivo. E comunque, statistiche alla mano, la qualità del lavoro aumenta quando aumenta anche la qualità della vita, e questo significa che se ho il tempo per andarmi a fare una birretta con gli amici, o fare i compiti con mio figlio, poi sarò più produttiva in azienda. L'attuazione delle quote rosa in Italia, seppur con percentuali ben lontane dalla parità, implicherà anche una certa rivoluzione nel lavoro. Come tempi e come modi. E di questo, ne godranno anche gli uomini.
Se volte altre opinioni in merito, sicuramente più serie delle mie, questi sono i link dove potrete trovarle:
Se volte altre opinioni in merito, sicuramente più serie delle mie, questi sono i link dove potrete trovarle:
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