Thursday, February 10, 2011

Cost Of Movie At Silver City

brief reflection on a tragic end

today to reflect on this. As the bad luck is never alone, in addition to the ominous prophecy of the Maya, there is also this thing of the canons of the overlap with various holidays on Saturdays and Sundays of the year. Practically we can not console ourselves with some impromptu trip taking advantage of the classic decks. And so we meet our doom working and accumulating vacation, which we will not enjoy then ever.
on this depressing scenario has recently expressed Marcegaglia, president of Confindustria, by the way of our one glimmer of hope: the celebration of the unification of Italy on 17 March. That is a Thursday, oddly enough. He says that because the economy is in crisis, there is no need to lose a day (or two, with the bridge work).
Then, my dear Emma, \u200b\u200bI know that as a woman you have to prove to work twice as hard to be met half, and I appreciate molto il tuo sforzo. Davvero. Ma poi arriva un momento in cui tutto questo perde di significato, e questo momento è il 2012, dove, crisi o non crisi, uomini e donne saranno tutti uguali. Uguali davanti all'asteroide che ci colpirà (era previsto un asteroide? Non ricordo). Per cui, cara Emma, lasciaci godere in pace di quest'ultimo ponte, ché tanto nessuno sopravviverà per chiedere il TFR.


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