Monday, February 14, 2011

Home Made Propeller For Weedeater

If not now, when - Trieste

"How nice to make love from Trieste down" sang the Carrà two thousand years ago. In fact, Trieste, my city, has always been enough note in the collective national as the place where most are indulging in the joys of love. Maybe because it has always been a seaport, it will be because he lived under the influence of Austrian until recently less than a century ago, it will be because the Trieste has always had a reputation for being beautiful. I do not know. However, just to say, my maternal grandmother in the thirties he went to see her relatives who had moved to Lazio, and we went alone by train. Always alone, my grandma used to go to the movies, to enjoy some relaxing time. After arriving in America, my grandmother made the scandal, of course. Trieste still shows us that what I say is true: in the center of the bar meet ladies eighty years of drinking coffee and make conversation. The city is full of them. The bars and ladies of eighty. Once, the hairdresser, I heard an elderly lady told that after the dye was going to sea, leaving her husband a delicious sandwich with mortadella on the kitchen table. Just move a few miles further north or further west, already noted for the change of scenery: the bars are populated by men of eighty drinking glasses of wine and playing cards. Even the shadow of women. I speak to older generations because Trieste is also one of the cities with the highest average of the elderly in Italy. I think that kind of 70% of the population here has more than seventy years. Last short dettaglio che vorrei precisare: Trieste è una città di destra. Per ragioni storiche, sociali, politiche che adesso sarebbe lungo spiegare. Ma fidatevi. In tutta la storia politica della città, l'unico sindaco di sinistra che abbiamo avuto è stato Riccardo Illy, l'imprenditore del caffè (poi diventato Governatore del Friuli Venezia Giulia). Quindi capite anche voi cosa intendo.
Insomma, tutto questo per dire che le donne a Trieste non hanno mai brillato per castità, né si sono mai particolarmente distinte per campagne di moralizzazione sessuale, né hanno mai dimostrato un particolare attaccamento ai precetti della Chiesa, e detestano i comunisti. In pratica, le sostenitrici ideali del nostro Chairman of the Board, if he did not concentrate all the nightlife in Arcore, maybe we would have to Trieste, perhaps enjoying himself with more experienced women, given the average age.
These thoughts I was doing yesterday morning, on my way to Piazza Unità d'Italy to attend the event "If not now when."
"I'll find someone? And if so, how will they be? Ten, twenty? Three according to the police? Damn laziness: I had to go to Rome."
But, to my great astonishment, great joy and a little 'parochial pride, I found three thousand people waiting for me. That is, wait and welcome women of all age, political beliefs and cultures. Obviously, the average age of the square was about sixty years, by force of circumstances. But beside the point. Instead I found it interesting that women historically free and very accustomed to being offended (I forgot: here we have the highest rate of topless beach, too, alas, all ages), chose to take to the streets to protest for the dignity trampled upon. I mean, we have to put your pain even if the Trieste feel the need to mobilize. It still makes me laugh more Santanchè (that already I find it hard to follow since the Cortellesi seriously started to imitate it), because when he speaks, along with Ferrara, rod and bigoted, not knowing a provincial capital in the far northeast, where there is the highest consumption of Viagra in the country, is blatantly denying. In short, this latest, sterile polemics of women who consider the escort moralistic and their right to engage in prostitution, is neither in heaven nor on earth nor, I add, on any program I've seen the show.
Evidently, the Trieste (Trieste and) felt the need to say something, to prove a hardship. And it is the discomfort that unfortunately in this town women often live. The discomfort of being asked for job interviews if you plan to have children, il disagio di guadagnare di meno rispetto a un uomo a parità di livello e competenze, il disagio di non poter fare carriera, il disagio di non sapere dove portare i figli dalla fine della maternità al terzo anno compiuto del bambino. Sopportare tutto questo è già abbastanza impegnativo, se poi ci aggiungiamo anche il Rubygate, e cioè l'ennesima celebrazione del maschio dominante che si diverte sulla nostra pelle, beh, pure le triestine non ci hanno visto più. E mi pare anche tutte le altre. O meglio, tutte quelle che sono abituate ad affrontare quotidianamente i problemi e le difficoltà reali delle donne, piuttosto che a cazzeggiare con considerazioni politiche fini a se stesse (a destra come a sinistra).
Bene. Detto This, along with the old ladies of Trieste, I was there. There were several friends of mine. Many acquaintances. The photographer Massimo Battista, whom I thank for the picture opening this post. Some political campaign for the next administration. And a dear friend from University who came with the flu, he did not want to miss. But the man could not: he had to take a shower. Right. Hygiene first.


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