Sunday, February 27, 2011

Keep M4 Clean And It's Reliable

The simplicity of the man. Part one: the clothing

There are situations in life, when people look at you with a clear expression in his face, an expression that seems to say: "Why?". This air of loss appears as if by magic all the time in which we women venture into speculations that even if you have a degree in philosophy, difficult to understand.
I think the obvious choice of clothing, for example. If the morning is scheduled for an important meeting in the office, the average man will, as the only difficulty, that the tie to match the dress. The woman, after checking the weather on the Internet, to see if it will rain or not, whether there will be wind or it will be hot, open the cabinet and will be seized by an irrational horror vacui. That is, you will have in front of dozens of clothes, but not see them. It is as if he had opened, I know, the closet, or door of the library. It is understandable if you think about it: choose from over one million combinations of statistics, it's like to grips with the concept of infinity. The argument will proceed in stages. Skirt or pants? Dress or suit? Color? Accessories? Humor? And then, because we're on a blog that talks about discrimination, specifically in view of a business meeting, a woman will always ask if that che indossa sarà troppo provocante, o troppo serioso, o troppo sciatto. E già questo ci dà la dimensione della quantità di pressioni a cui, ogni giorno, una donna è sottoposta. L’uomo invece, è una creatura semplice. Ti guarda interrogativo mentre componi sul letto i vari abbinamenti tra cui scegliere, ma non osa parlare, perché secoli di evoluzione gli hanno insegnato a percepire il pericolo. E quella, la situazione della donna che sceglie l’abbigliamento prima di uscire di casa con i minuti contati, È una situazione di pericolo. Adesso, qualcuno di voi starà sorridendo, pensando ai classici luoghi comuni che differenziano uomini e donne. Ma io non rido. Perché mi domando come mai una donna, nei millenni, has declined in these states. I mean, when we were monkeys, both male and female each had her hair (oh my God, even now, in the absence of wax), and were not big problems with pairing. That is, the female monkey, walking in the jungle, not wondered "What the other monkeys will think of me?" Man is simple because it is quiet. The company did not have it with him. And even biology.
In short, this reflection you throw it there as well. Then everyone who wants to draw the conclusions. For my part, I believe that the famous man's simplicity is not always to blame. Indeed, we often learn from them. Maybe not always, perhaps is better than someone in the face every now and then couple of questions that go beyond "What's for dinner?". But sparingly, without exaggeration. Why then there are cases in which too many questions cause suffering, a suffering that there is no solution. So it is better to draw a deep breath and recite this mantra: "I'ma man, I'ma man, I'ma man."
End Part.


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